ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS DECEMBER 10 - 16, 2007 All times/dates are Pacific Standard. International trade will increase in 2007. The Baltic Dry Index, already high, will move upward. Saudi Arabia will stumble once, then twice. There's a jolt in Qatar. Tony Blair and Stephen Harper, Bush's two war faring allies, will face "attacks" in 2007, either scandals revealed or, at the extreme, assassination attempts or health crises. Blair needs to watch digestive/eliminative problems (they first showed about 1991/92) while Harper is susceptible to heart attacks. Yet, paradoxically, both will grow rich and fat in '07. Both are Taurus, with Aquarius Moons. Blair is the luckier and more capable of the two; he has a wise wife, and the civil service loves him, whereas Harper's civil servants will eventually undo him. Blair's lunar south node (bad karma and "sin") lies right on George Bush's ascendant (rising sign). Bush is Blair's spiritual "black hole." Harper's Mars (war) falls on Bush's Cancer Sun. Bush's election to a second term was a bad thing for him. He hasn't been happy since. In November 2007 another "bad outcome in winning disguise" occurs. Weather goes to extremes - bigger, bolder than usual. I opined here years ago that the Iraq conflict would be a long, grinding ground war. To date, the U.S. has been fighting in Iraq longer than it fought in World War II. There's a great chance that in 2007 withdrawal will be prevented by a wider conflagration - watch August/September. Holland's Muslim crisis wanes now. In 2008, two swift strikes hit Germany - or Germany might suddenly strike an ideological enemy. Iran has nothing to fear before 2009. The charts, right or wrong, say this nation has already produced weapons-grade plutonium (in 04/05) and all the recent blather wacky has been for show. Iran enters war as others enter love, romance, and creative frenzies - such a frenzy of self-expression comes in 2007, around November. Red China expands its international involvements in 2007, and revises its laws, especially its banking and financial laws. The world rushes to its gates. In 2008, China's leadership will announce a major set of initiatives; a new leader might appear. Secret enemies grow in Algeria, then become open, publish a manifesto. An international ally deserts. Afghanistan's government is virtually destroyed? In Argentina, death squad records are finally exposed; many are taken to the law courts. Australia's economy faces upheavals and anxieties in '07. Government and civil service layers will be destroyed and rebuilt. 2008 brings luck and recovery. Start Nothing: 12:35 p.m. to 1:31 p.m. Sun., 6:32 p.m. Tues. to 2:00 a.m. Wed., and 7:33 a.m. to 2:42 p.m. Fri. Aries March 21-April 19 Higher-ups, bosses and parents favor you until early January. Make proposals, seek favors or a promotion, or seek employment. The more managerial that employment - and the less hands-on - the better. Now through 2007, beware losing your focus - your "life" - in drudgery. Opt for travel, education, art or love instead - if you can, and it's likely you can, more than you know! Huge opportunities in these areas are triggered Monday, but you might not hear or perceive them until Wednesday/Thursday - act these two days, and Saturday. Show attraction and eagerness! Taurus April 20-May 20 A sweet mellow gentleness comes to love relationships now, even to sexy or lustful ones. If you meet and start a love affair now to January 2, it will have a "wedding flavor" around it, as well as strong financial and sexual drives. Still, guard against verboten temptations, extra-marital attractions, etc. Although you're in a very lucky period for investments (to August/07) don't be too impulsive through January 16 - this applies to debts, mortgages, etc. Monday stands out - careful! Tackle chores Wednesday/Thursday - caution with electricity. Relationships lure Saturday. Gemini May 21-June 20 Investments, large finances, mortgages and lifestyle commitments are favored now to January 2. So are health diagnosis, sexual intimacy, mysteries, research, and explorations into your subconscious. Listen to hunches! Combine these with a general atmosphere of cheerfulness, opportunity and great relationship doings, and you should see where your luck lies! (E.g., this is a great time to meet someone both sexy and friendly - who holds marriage potential.) However, go slow Sunday to Tuesday. (Send messages Sunday morning for good results.) Romance, love, pleasure draw you Wednesday/Thursday. Tackle major chores Saturday. Cancer June 21-July 22 Relationships grow sweeter now into January 2. Others will treat you with affection, so ask your sensitive questions. The few weeks ahead favor promotion, ao ask for more work, ask to assume greater responsibilities - your performance will impress higher-ups. Now to January 16 is a good time to buy equipment/machinery to aid your work. A small surgery might be scheduled for some of you, to occur in late January/February. If you can, schedule it before February 13. Go slow with communications Sunday-Tuesday. Home sweet home, Wednesday/Thursday. Saturday's romantic, pleasurable. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Work, employment, repairs and health factors are mildly lucky now to January 2. But more noticeably, romance, creativity, and life's beauties and pleasures surge now to January 16. If you're a writer, filmmaker or artist, start that masterpiece NOW (after December 12 and before December 19). If you're single, you could meet someone you'll later wed (happily!). The best of these meetings (yes, plural) likely occurs before December 20. You might have to choose between amours! Take care with money, avoid purchases, Sunday eve through Tuesday. Home's best Saturday. Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 The major emphasis these days (and months) is on security, your domestic scene, real estate, Mother Nature, therapy and healing (and on a brand new life through these - that is, on major endings and new beginnings). The rest of December will also bring you sweet good luck in romance, love, beauty, creative and speculative ventures. It might be this whiff of new beauty, new loves, that makes you ultra-impatient on home, investment and sexual fronts for the six weeks ahead. Your motto will be: "Change - or bust!" Be gentle! Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Although you've just begun a year of lucky wanderlust and curiosity the few weeks until January 2 will mingle your restlessness with a "home sweet home" influence. Take a breather, contemplate, relax and plan your direction(s) and roadmap for the months ahead. This applies to emotional and intellectual explorations - and real travel. However, don't rest too much Sunday eve to Tuesday - doing so could make you abandon the great ideas and hopes of last Friday, Saturday, and this Sunday morning. Your energy and charisma surge Wednesday/Thursday - start big things! Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Continue to chase money. Spend also, but judiciously, on machinery, equipment, published data, international telephony/internet equipment, home repairs, work supplies, etc. You'll almost unconsciously overspend now to January 16. If you aren't sure, bank it or pay down debt. Communications and casual relationships sweeten until January 2 - call a sibling or friend, renew acquaintance, return social favors, chat, design stationery or buy a phone or car. Be wary socially Sunday to Tuesday, though, and retreat for a rest Wednesday to Friday. Friday night onward, your charisma and energy soar! Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 You've just entered a hugely lucky personal year. You'll fare best if you "radiate outward" - speak up in class, communicate to friends, show the boss what you can do, express ideas, stand on the stage of life! Chase your "truest" goals. But there will be little variations in this great personal year. Two occur now: 1) luck in money, earnings and purchases increases through January 2, and 2) extra courage and luck boost your chances in romance, creativity, self-expression, teaching and "risk" through January 16. Let goodwill overcome temper! Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 You're tired, but your personal magnetism rises subtly now to late January - you'll attract a confidant, or a secret ally. If you're in love, welcome cozy snuggles. You might attract a new, quiet love - but you'll show a lot more passion in privacy than in public. Now to January 16, don't make an enemy of a fiery, idealistic and "mouthy" person. Diplomacy protects you. Civil servants, institutional workers, shut-ins and spiritual types befriend you, treat you graciously, beneficially for four weeks - and, somewhat, all year ahead. Be ambitious Wednesday/Thursday. Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Strictly avoid investing Sunday afternoon through Tuesday (and generally, all December and 2007). The same goes for lust, secret attractions, investigations, mysteries, depths, research. Love, elevated thoughts, compassion, understanding, cultural events, distant travel, foreign-born people, religion or life philosophy, law - these enter your sphere (and heart) Wednesday to Friday, in a lucky, beneficial way. Be ambitious Saturday - your skills are apparent! Now to January 2, your inner life, spirituality, and private situations bless you with sweet harmony. But your social scene explodes with adventure, new people - embrace it! Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 You've just entered the luckiest career year in a decade, Pisces - but beware temperamental bosses, impatience and argument on career (and community, status, and parent-related) fronts through January 16. On the plus side, this same influence can give you the keys to riches, if you're clever, diplomatic and ambitious. You'll be helped, at least until early January, but an extra dollop of social skill and fellow feeling, and a mellow ability to persuade others. Be cautious toward relationships Sunday to Tuesday: independence best! Financial, sexual luck Wednesday/Thursday! Travel Saturday. Email: For a reading: 604-261-1337. /30/