ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS MAY 21 - 27, 2005 All times/dates are Pacific Daylight. I've promised various emailers that I would discuss their signs' long-term outlook in this preamble. Let me do that in a roundabout way, by discussing every sign's 18-month outlook, from June 06 to December 07. This period brings a new karmic cycle for everyone. Roughly simultaneously (November/06 to December/07) we also start a huge new 12-year Jupiter luck cycle, one that is likely to change our lives forever, since Pluto, the planet of our "larger fate," holds Jupiter's hand as the luck arrives. Momentous times! (In more occult ways, Pluto's "fate" brings what you've desired, whether you recognize it or not; Jupiter's new luck cycle enables you to grasp an expansive new life direction; and the new karmic cycle dictates that you'll become what you've done.) Let's start with PISCES. The Moon's north lunar node will travel through your sign from late June/06 through mid-December 2007. You'll be repaid for all the good things you did for the last 18 years. You'll feel mellow, serene; you'll be comfortable listening to your own inner voice, your own conscience, and your own hunches. Finding the right answer to any moral dilemma will be easy - almost automatic. Even your mistakes will somehow roll off harmlessly. You'll be blessed. This is a fine time (and 2008/09 will be an even better time) to seek spiritual answers, to meditate and commune with God. Look over the past decade or two - you'll see how your life operates, how certain opinions and moods have led to certain actions, and these in turn to good or bad consequences. But from June 06 to December 07, DON'T relocate, sign contracts, marry, form partnerships, seek public attention or "deals," nor let anyone glue himself to you through "disguised attachment" - anger, threat, hate, litigation, argument, etc. Be smoothly free of this. If someone threatens or sues you, turn away without answering: they will tie themselves in knots, and be unable to harm you. If you engage, you'll embrace your opponent's bad karma - and your blessings will flee. Since 1995, Pluto has brought pressures and upheavals (and puzzles!) to your career, your relations with higher-ups, your reputation, and parent-kid relations. 2007 (and 2008, to a lesser degree) brings a climax and an end to this transforming force, and does it while Jupiter pours a bucket of expansionary luck all over your ambitions. You could waltz into an entirely new career, or be promoted in a way so significant it will turn your life around. You could start a successful new business, or be touched by fame, as a result of past efforts. If you're fired, it's a door opening to upper floors! Avoid new ventures, especially in practical, travel, legal and educational zones, before November/06. Start Nothing: 11:45 p.m. Sun. to 6:24 a.m. Mon., 2:16 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Wed., and 3:39 a.m. to 12:19 p.m. Fri. Aries March 21-April 19 This week and the month ahead bring wanderlust, many contacts, casual friends, details, paperwork and information. (Especially this Friday/Saturday.) Be curious - what you learn now will eventually open doors, create solutions, or "seed" an opportunity, especially in legal, educational, media or international matters. You'll be tired Sunday, but you can accomplish a lot at an even pace before suppertime, in domestic, security and property arenas. Your energy and charisma surge Monday/Tuesday, but you're skeptical about the durability of love. You're right. Be careful with money Wednesday - chase it Thursday. Taurus April 20-May 20 The four weeks ahead promote your money interests - chase it, buy/sell, seek a pay raise or new lucrative clients, etc. Pay bills; send invoices. As in the last ten years, you'll have to make some astute choices between big money and small - between an immediate paycheck and the "investment" of more education, or between renting and a mortgage, etc. The big, the long-term, is essentially more fruitful now, though you might not receive the rewards until December into 2007. A partnership, contract, sensual relationship, or spouse could be involved. Gemini May 21-June 20 Your energy and charisma surge, putting you in a winning position for the month ahead! Start important projects, especially in public, group and entertainment arenas. Mingle; socialize. Money continues to flow until June 3: bank it; don't spend. Seek new clients or a pay raise - but DON'T rebel if you don't succeed. Wait, prepare for two big, work-changing opportunities to come this December into 2007. (Hopefully, new opportunities will not involve relocation. If they do, "stay loose" - do not buy real estate June 22, 2006 through December 19, 2007.) Cancer June 21-July 22 Get plenty of rest during the four weeks ahead. Contemplate, plan, hold confidential discussions, contact your doctor or other advisor. Deal with red tape, institutions, large corporations and charities. This isn't a time to see the big picture logically, but to sense it intuitively. Your determination and magnetism burn strong for the two weeks ahead, but be careful that you don't burn out. Make one last bid, this week, to impress higher ups, especially Monday (and, if you're careful, Tuesday). Sunday's mellow, Tuesday/Wednesday are hopeful, social. But retreat Friday/Saturday. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 The weeks ahead bring festivities, entertainment, light romance, social delights and newly minted hopes for the future. Your popularity will soar. (Though not as strongly as most Junes, as you're steeped in a sober, security-oriented year.) A dream could come true! Continue to beware legal involvements through June 3. In June you'll have something additional to cheer about - favor from bosses and parents. Make a request or present a proposal! Sunday's mysterious. Legal, international, education or media concerns arise Monday (successfully) and Tuesday (be careful). Friday/Saturday veer into joy! Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Your career, community reputation, ambitions and relations with higher-ups are in focus during the four weeks ahead. Be diplomatic but eager and assertive, especially now to early June, while your social courage is firing on all cylinders. Important people are watching your performance. Your philosophical, intellectual side awakens softly and sweetly now, especially Wednesday/Thursday - this could attract love. But Sunday's attraction has a deep, subtle flaw. Finances, investments, research and lust succeed mildly Monday, but hit barriers Tuesday. Be curious, thoughtful. Ambition calls Friday/Saturday - seek an agreement, "association" Saturday night. Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 You emerge now from the depths, mysteries, sexual temptations and financial projects of the last month. Maybe you grabbed the prize, or maybe it slipped through your fingers. If it slipped, consider this: the spoils go to the eager. So now you either face legal and other "contingent" work to wrap up May's success, or you're wondering what happened, and are about to launch into new vistas of understanding, contemplation, learning and travel (through June). A parental figure might have assumed a partnership role. In June, happier "partner prospects" appear! Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 You'll veer into deeper waters during for four weeks: investigations, large finances, lifestyle changes, sexual urges, and situations of commitment. Your subconscious rises to the surface, making hunches accurate, odd "information" available. You might start a venture in these areas Friday/Saturday. (Saturday eve/night best.) A Gemini might fascinate you soon, but a Taurus knows your heart. Continue to avoid legal hassles until June 3. Sunday's romantic, but it ends on a mute note. Charge into chores Monday - and more carefully Tuesday. Wednesday's interesting proposition would actually disappoint later. Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 You'll face both opposition and opportunity during the four weeks ahead. They might be one and the same, so be diplomatic, don't let teasing anger you. Others have the advantage. Relocation, contracts, negotiation, dealings with the public and important relationships are emphasized. Financial and sexual temptations continue to beguile you, but they'll dissipate by June 3. Until then, don't step into anything murky - it might become uncomfortably "public" later. Take a deep rest Sunday. Romance, creative urges fascinate Monday, but don't succeed Tuesday. Say "yes" to someone Saturday eve! Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Tackle chores, health issues, and dependents' needs now to late June. Be "hands-on." Purchases or repairs of machinery, computers and cars go well. May 22, 27 (eve, night) 29, and June 6, 8, 10, 12, 17 and 19 are the best days for this. Relationships remain fiery and intense until June 3. A break-off might loom. But the sweet balm of affection enters early next week, to soothe June's savage breast. Travel, call Sunday, but quit by suppertime. Repairs, domestic programs, children's issues succeed Monday, not Tuesday. Romantic notions lift your spirits Wednesday/Thursday. Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Love, affection, a "mad attraction" could consume you in the weeks ahead. But you might, instead, be carried away by a creative surge, a speculative venture, or simply sink into moments of pleasure, beauty and joie-de-vivre. (May 26-28 could trigger these.) By early June relationships will intensify to attraction or anger, love or hate. You seldom hate well, though, as a wide, healthy streak of humanity and friendship runs through your nature. Home will be sweet, family affectionate. Chase money Sunday. Travel and communications succeed Monday, irk Tuesday. Rest, midweek. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 Your domestic scene grows in importance until late June. Plunge into property, family, gardening, agriculture, security, retirement, and similar issues. Plan your children's education or your own retirement, look at real estate, plant seeds. You'll feel sluggish, so take "power naps." Buy luxury items this week. Fulfill a passionate idea, or linger in one or two last romantic intervals (this Sunday and May 28-30). Despite your restful state, you'll be driving around, calling and writing - with sweet results. Chase money Monday. Career/money combine nicely Thursday. Contemplation brings reassurance Saturday. Email: For a reading: 604-261-1337. /30/