ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS MARCH 12 - 18, 2006 All times/dates are Pacific Standard Time. AQUARIANS might fall in love now to mid-April. (The influence started February 17, so you Aquarians can refer back to prior columns - your weekly messages - for more insights.) The signs most likely to notice if/when Aquarius is smitten are LEO, LIBRA and GEMINI - Aquarius' most likely love mates. When Aquarians are attracted, they talk a mile a minute. Even after days, weeks or years of intimacy, if Aquarius is still in love, he/she will often talk to the loved one for hours, in bed and out. Gemini and Libra soak up this verbiage with a deep sense of peace and pleasure - or they fall asleep with the heel of their hand pressed against their ear. But Leo keeps interrupting, bothered that Aquarius should hog the speaker's platform. Aquarius banters casually with ARIES and SAGITTARIUS, sand confesses secrets to CAPRICORN. When love bites the Leo male, he stands alertly, grins and beams at his lady, and shines with joy, like someone poured a bottle of radiance over him. The female Leo prowls, slinks and smiles like a big cat. To all Leos, flattery is catnip. Aries lovers often feel more deeply, and experience hurt more acutely, than they reveal. Aries can be cruel, stormy and violent if a loved one slights or opposes them. And it's easy to get into an argument with Aries if you don't like kamikaze driving, spending next week's paycheck with gusto, or jumping off cliffs just to see how you land. I once knew a homosexual Aries who broke his lover's leg in a fit of temper. But no one bounces back into good humor more quickly after an argument. Aries forgives and forgets, and seldom carries a grudge. (Notable exceptions: Betty Davis, Dirk Bogarde, Marlon Brando, and Achilles, the uber-warrior of the Illiad, who was probably either Aries or Scorpio.) Leo and Sagittarius innately understand and easily love the Aries package of playful humor, impetuosity, joie-de-vivre, violence and naivety. Aries melts for Leo. Leo's bigger-than-life enthusiasm, Leo's total commitment to love, fits right into Aries' pell-mell damn-the-torpedoes lustful urges. Sagittarius swoons for Aries, then catches him/her, then wonders about all the other lovers he/she hasn't had yet, so Aries leaves in a huff, and poor Sagittarius spends the next two decades writing poetic entreaties to the Aries who got away. But perhaps cool, gracious, mannered, unruffled Libra handles Aries best. Libra intensely admires energy (i.e., Aries) yet opposes it with peaceful logic. Hot-running Aries keeps returning to drink in Libra's cooling shade. Start Nothing: 10:38 a.m. to 5:23 p.m. Sun., 11:32 p.m. Tues. to 6:12 a.m. Wed., and 11:31 a.m. to 5:59 p.m. Fri. Aries March 21-April 19 This is your last week of gloom and weariness, Aries. Sink in, rest, remain in the background, study situations rather than engaging them. Your relations with government agencies, institutions, charities or spiritual organizations might come to a head (Monday/Tuesday and late week) - perhaps over a neglected matter. Decide what duties/loyalties you owe, which you don't. Be willing to make adjustments in legal, communications, philosophical and belief areas. Your popularity remains nicely high, your hopes for the future please you. Sunday brings warmth and beauty. Relationships confuse and excite you, Wednesday/Thursday! Taurus April 20-May 20 Old friends return. Money flows - bank it rather than spend. VIPs, bosses and parents (even judges) like you more than usual, through early April. Use this week and next to impress and cultivate them; then spring your requests and projects on them March 25 to April 5. (In general, start nothing brand new before March 25.) It's a friendly, hopeful, flirtatious, happy week! Sleep Sunday. This eve through Tuesday brings romance, creative and speculative urges - best period is late Monday night to suppertime Tuesday. Chores Wednesday/Thursday. Relationship challenges Friday/Saturday! Gemini May 21-June 20 Until mid-April, you're sexier - and more determined, energetic, even more violent and crude - than usual. (Practice self-containment.) An Aquarian might show obvious signs of being attracted to you. If you're single, why not welcome it? This will likely be a dalliance rather than life mating. A former job or duty might return - just get it done. This week contains many little problems: in home, realty, family Monday/Tuesday, in relationships all week, in work/health Friday/Saturday. But a work success looms Tuesday, and romance, creative and speculative success touch you Wednesday/Thursday! Cancer June 21-July 22 An old flame might appear. Lust calls you for the rest of March - and you're tempted to act a bit "behind the curtain" (in love and business). Be ethical, honest. A former legal, educational, travel, insurance, religious or advertising concern could return. Handle what you must, without getting drawn into a major new push. Watch ongoing projects for mistakes and misunderstandings (until March 25). Government agencies, red-tape types, tend to be aggressive toward you now to mid-April; handle this with aplomb, be diplomatic. Love calls Tuesday. A secret's revealed Thursday. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Careful what you step into this week and next! Old temptations, sly sirens lure you, in sex, business, finances, and social arenas. It might seem that one little unethical move, one little collusion or "harmless prank" could advance you mightily - but it would, instead, embroil you in a stew of bad feelings and unintended consequences. Others treat you affectionately, even lovingly, now to early-mid April, and your social, eager, optimistic side soars on plans for the future. Let this be enough! Money needs caution Monday/Tuesday. Friends are good friends Thursday. Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Agreements hit walls of confusion, delay and frustration. Best approach? Sit back and wait. This is the worst time to push matters, whether in love or business (or anything!). Nothing big and successful will take place while you're "out of the loop." Work's easy, pleasing now into April, but keep a weather eye out for temperamental bosses, parents. Your energy and charisma rise Sunday night to Tuesday - ask favors, but don't ask for big things. Money's lucky Thursday! Avoid arguments, wild driving Saturday. All week features a home/family adjustment. Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Not the easiest week, Libra. You have a pile of work to complete, yet each effort uncovers more details, snarls, problems or glitches. Just be alert, plod along. Don't start any new work or machinery projects before March 25. Your romantic, pleasure, creative and gambling instincts began to awaken last week, and will bring a wee lucky streak until early April (especially Wednesday/Thursday). A love affair could begin, but will likely not lead to "easy" marriage. (If it begins after March 25, the marital outlook is much better.) Rest Monday/Tuesday. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 A former love could return - might be a person, a hobby, a creative project, even a child you've wanted to see for a long time. If this is to "work out" for the long term, you'll have to undergo some adjustment, probably around Thursday to Sunday. The adjustment might involve money/income, possessions, or "possessiveness." ("You can have me but you can't possess me.") Your hopes soar Sunday to Tuesday (but Monday is abrupt, unpredictable). Rest, research, hold confidential discussions Wednesday/Thursday. The government can help Thursday. Contain your strength Saturday! Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 You're going through "reruns" - or delay - on home, realty, security, retirement and family fronts until March 25. Be patient - these could clash with a person or opportunity you're excited about (especially late week). That person and/or opportunity will still be around in three, four weeks - and could be the trigger to a month of adventure, winning, romance! But wait, two more weeks. Meanwhile, this week demands an adjustment in those home, retirement, security (etc.) zones - or in your approach to them. Be careful with higher-ups Monday/Tuesday. Wishes come true Thursday! Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Watch driving, communications, systems, computers, tools, and details - little niggling mistakes occur through March 24. Start no new projects until the 25th. This week isn't easy - various problems demand attention, but they're not big ones. Your money picture looks good through early April. Work and health need careful pacing, and a safe approach. Sunday's mysterious, satisfying. Take care with legalities; avoid unpredictable communications/driving. Love of a certain kind could climax Tuesday. Your career brings a "lucky break" Wednesday/Thursday! Friends might argue Friday/Saturday - you're happy, but don't laugh at someone. Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Past money matters, overdue bills and unexpected rewards return until March 25. DON'T start new money projects. Your mind expands in a gentle, pleasing way this month into early April - you see the world in a wide, sweet way. Your sense of adventure, creativity, sensuality and romance are high (into mid-April) and you could fall in love - or simply have a giddy moment. A Gemini might figure prominently - so might Wednesday/Thursday. The best stuff in love, travel, creativity, begins after March 24. Patience wins! Mysteries hold dangers Monday/Tuesday. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 Your energy and charisma remain high - but your indecision, if anything, grows. Be patient. Your career and ambitions need adjustment, particularly as Thursday/Friday approach. You might read something that enlightens you about power plays or your career situation. Relationships need a light, understanding approach Monday. Tuesday brings love, agreement. Mysteries, finances, sex offer you a false paradise Wednesday, a real one Thursday. Sometimes wisdom comes from friction or disagreement - this could occur Sunday. Your secret life, and government agencies, institutions treat you well to April. But your home needs patience. Email: For a reading: 604-261-1337. /30/