ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS JULY 31, 2005 All times/dates are PDT. I paid the Mercury retrograde period scant attention recently because I was busy with the "Saturn messages" for each sign. (BTW, many Capricorns - ruled by Saturn - have emailed me asking why I missed their sign during this recent series. Actually, Capricorn's article ran June 26. It's in the Archives at Mercury stays retro until late evening August 15. Until then, it promotes the appearance of old flames for Aquarius, Libra, Aries, Sagittarius and perhaps Leo. All signs should avoid starting major projects, or making important purchases (tv, car, computer, machinery, expensive clothes, etc.) before August 16. Every time another Mercury retro period comes up, I get a bunch of emails asking about special cases. (Everyone wants to be exempt.) The most common: "I'm broke and need a job. Should I stop looking?" The answer's easy: keep looking, but if you land something, consider it a "carry-over" rather than a permanent sinecure. And: "I started a project before the retro period, but during the retro I have to start another project related to the first, to support it." For instance, a person signs a contract to buy a house before the retro, and will complete after the retro, but the financing and inspection has to be started and completed ("signed off") during the retro. The answer: think ahead, see the retros coming, and do these "extra projects" before it comes. Or delay. Or, third best, go ahead and do them, but expect some glitches. But to start an entire project during Mercury retro? NO, no, and no. But how do you look ahead and act before the retro? Well, I usually start mentioning the period two weeks before it starts (when I keep telling you to complete things, and to start only short projects). In certain ways the effects of the retro start being felt a week, even two weeks, before its technical start. If you really want to see the retro periods coming far ahead (there are three of them a year) you can go to any "new age" bookstore and purchase an ephemeris for twenty or thirty bucks. An ephemeris lists the planetary positions day-by-day, usually for 100 years. Once you have this book (I like the American Ephemeris) look at the row of symbols across the top of the page. Usually, Mercury will be in the 3rd or 4th column from the left. Mercury's symbol looks like a plus sign topped by a circle, with two little horns sticking out on top. Run your finger down this column - before you've gone four months, you'll find a tiny little "R" between all the numbers in that column. If you run your finger down another three weeks, you'll find a little "D." The R marks the day Mercury's retro starts. D indicates the day it ends. You can also find out when your own planet is retro - I'll discuss that next week. Start Nothing: 2:10 p.m. Sun. to 5:22 a.m. Mon., 8:59 a.m. Tues. to 6:10 p.m. Wed., and 2:44 p.m. Fri. to 6:54 a.m. Sat. Aries March 21-April 19 This week might start with disappointing news, but it ends with luck, love, pleasure and a winning streak! Still, take Sunday's "news" or money obstacle) seriously - it gives a clue to a problem you might face for seven months. You might lack the money to charge after a love, creative, vacation, art or pleasure goal. Ah, well - you'll still accumulate more money than usual before February, if you save. Rest, guard security Monday/Tuesday. Chase romance, pleasure Wednesday night to Friday. An old flame might appear. Works succeeds Saturday. Taurus April 20-May 20 The money picture looks grim Sunday. You experience the first "note" of a struggle between you and your new home circumstances. (Home = domicile, office/work space, security picture, baby, retirement plan, etc.) It could be a small signal, a flute not a trumpet, but take it seriously. You're going to overcome problems, obstacles in this home area, but don't make them bigger by charging ahead impulsively and angrily. Use your Taurus mellowness! The remainder of this week is restful, contemplative. Ponder who/what belongs in your life, who/what doesn't. Sweet Saturday! Gemini May 21-June 20 In general, life is good! Your energy and charisma are "up" Sunday (and generally all week). But a complex, subtle problem (lasting to February) needs your attention. It revolves around finances, sexual intimacy or psychological health, and pits your inner world, your secret hopes, against your communication abilities. For example, you could find difficulties or delays in communicating with government agencies, charities or institutions. Or your inner thoughts make it hard to connect with a friend. Make sure car insurance, tax returns, etc. are up to date. Success Saturday! Cancer June 21-July 22 Rest, lie low Sunday. Your energy and pizzazz return Monday, to stay high all week. A change recently occurred in your friendships, or you met someone quirky and fascinating. Chase this Monday/Tuesday. A problem has begun involving your income, buying and selling. It's there Sunday, if you look. Your ambitious goals, and your social or fun targets, don't agree with your ability to fund them. Remain ambitious, but be alert. This "gap" lasts through February 2006. More clues come Wednesday and Thursday. Chase money Thursday/Friday - luck's high! Travel, call Saturday. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 You're hopeful Sunday, but an old or new flame might be gloomy about something/someone else. Retreat, lie low Monday to Wednesday eve. Handle government, red tape, charity and planning tasks, protect your health. What you think or hear about someone Monday/Tuesday might be false. Your energy and charm surge Wednesday night to Friday - get out, be seen, ask favors, give important projects a push! (But remember, don't start new projects before August 16.) See ahead to a potential career or legal problem Sunday, or Wednesday night. Chase money Saturday! Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Again, start no new major projects, nor buy anything, before August 16. Relations with government agencies, institutions, large corporations, head offices, therapists and counselors, could actually increase, and involve a past matter - an application you began previously, old taxes, etc. The law is on your side in divorce settlements, investments, injury cases, pensions, tax rulings, etc. Insist on your rights, even be aggressive, between now and next February. Your personality exudes a soft attractiveness this week and next! Optimism Monday-Wednesday. Lie low, protect health Thursday/Friday. Your energy rises Saturday. Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Your popularity rises, hopes and wishes come true (especially in career, social and light love zones) and life takes on a fresh new aspect! (But remember, before August 16 the best newness comes from the past - e.g., an old flame reawakens, or you get the answer to a former career, legal, far travel, cultural, educational or publishing proposal. Start nothing new.) Sunday through mid-February, growing deeper with a partner (in money or intimacy) conflicts with your desire for popularity, fun, wishful thinking. Go deeper. Your relational life WILL change. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Emphasis on career, prestige, relations with higher-ups. Start no new projects (especially in these areas) before August 16. Instead, handle glitches, delays - have "Plan B" ready. Your days are relieved by a sweet notion involving a special person (or a special business plan). Now to February, relations with others are intense - for good or bad. If you're angry with someone attractive, chances are you're repressing deep desire. These intense relations interfere with your reputation or ambitions. So abandon them? No, cultivate them. These matters arise Sunday and Wednesday midnight. Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 The accent lies on culture, far travel, higher education, publishing, media, statistics, languages, law, religion, philosophy - and love. Until February, your duties will tend to outweigh these (law, travel, etc.) This week and next, "reminders from the past" arrive - an old flame appears, or you trip over that old incomplete manuscript. These are pleasurable, but ask yourself WHY they're old, incomplete. You are changing rapidly, 1996 to 2008. You're different than a year ago. That might qualify you to finish the past, or "disqualify your past." Career luck Saturday! Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 The emphasis lies on secrets, intimacy, sexual and/or financial commitment, health diagnosis, lifestyle changes, research, investigation, occultism. In all these, concentrate on completing past initiatives - don't start any new projects, nor make new promises (nor accept any) through August 15. All these areas will be important to you for the next 25 months, but until mid-February 2006 romance, risk, adventure, creativity and speculation will prove stronger. For instance, gambling will outweigh investment, romance will prove stronger than sexual desire. Choose accordingly, especially Sunday and Wednesday/Thursday. Wisdom, understanding arrive Saturday. Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Old relationships, old opportunities and the yearning to visit old places, rise again. These will progress further than any new links, projects or opportunities. Start nothing new before August 16. Still, a strong streak in your personality (now to February 2006) just wants to end things, to drop down at home, plop!, and throw your feet up. Or family duties/tensions (or the mortgage) could keep you from pursuing new horizons. All considered, making no changes could be wise! Sunday and Wednesday to Saturday highlight these trends. Saturday, a "golden key!" Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 The emphasis lies on work, service, dependents, health, tools, machines. Don't start new projects nor buy anything big before August 16, especially in these areas. Now through mid-February, these matters will tend to conflict with your restless urge to wander, to talk, to read and be curious. (Clues Sunday, and Wednesday midnight.) For example, you'd rather talk than work, rather read the newspaper or travel than sharpen those tools. Yield to these restless urges - somehow, in the long range, they will open money doors for you. Exciting meeting Saturday! Email: For a reading: 604-261-1337. /30/