ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS JULY 17 - 23, 2005 All times/dates are PDT. Mercury turns retrograde July 22 to August 15. We should not start new projects, nor buy important articles, nor start relationships during this period. Any of these could turn out to be lemons. Even if we buy something great for a great price, we'll later wonder why we did, like that exercise bike sitting lonely in your basement. Mail, documents, legal matters - and, because Mercury's in Leo - romance and theatrical ventures could be delayed. Patience! To continue the Saturn-into-Leo forecasts: SCORPIO, Saturn left Cancer July 16. This signals the end of the onerous restrictions and delays you've experienced in love, legal, wedding, cultural, far travel, insurance, publishing/media, religion, higher education and similar spheres. But it also indicates that the next two years (to September 2007) will bring a new seriousness, sobriety and "slow results" to your career, parenting and prestige efforts. Your ambitions will rely more heavily on communications skills, on your ability to think and act fast, to handle details, reports and paperwork, and to travel. At times, you'll find a project has grown in many directions, and needs trimming - or a new filing system. You won't find these two years easy. At times you might feel ill-used in terms of payment for your efforts, or that higher-ups are slow to come through with pay raises to equal your increased work load, etc. - but if you plug away honestly (no cutting corners) and without complaint, you'll ensure your career security for the next three decades. Now to September 2007 is the testing period. Pass the test! SAGITTARIUS, Saturn in the sign Leo until early September 2007, brings an end to the past two years of restrictions, slowness and meager reward in investments, shared finances, debts, sexuality/intimacy, research, occultism, health diagnosis, lifestyle changes, and other deep, mysterious things. These things fascinated you, but gave little back. A weight has already begun to lift in at least one of these areas - for example, a new job might be lifting you from debt, or you're getting better at finding lost items. For the 26 months ahead, your world-travelling ways, your intellect, your idea factory, and religious, legal, philosophical, educational, publishing and cultural involvements might slow, or will demand greater effort from you if they are to succeed. On the plus side, these interests can brighten your income picture, or even become your source of income, which suits you perfectly. (What Sagittarian wouldn't love to be paid to travel, argue legal/philosophical points, or teach everyone the real truth?) Start Nothing: Before 4:35 a.m. Sun., 11:03 p.m. Mon. to 6:26 a.m. Tues., 4:00 a.m. to 5:55 a.m. Thurs., and 0:33 a.m. to 5:11 a.m. Sat. Aries March 21-April 19 The accent continues on your domestic, property, family, security and retirement spheres. Get your rest (beauty sleep) and shore up your foundations business-wise, domestically and psychologically. That will put you in good shape for the adventures that begin Friday into August! An old flame looms on the horizon; he/she will "send a message" soon. Love seeks you Sunday/Monday. Chase success in love, law, higher learning, far travel, and media. Sunday night's disruptive. Be ambitious, not "aggressive" Tuesday/Wednesday. Hopes return Thursday/Friday. An old wish comes true in the weeks ahead! Taurus April 20-May 20 Complete paperwork, errands, calls, reports by Friday. This day begins four weeks of domestic, property, security, retirement, family, nature, gardening, soul and foundational concerns. For the first three weeks (to August 15) avoid starting new projects in these zones - e.g., don't build a house, landscape, start a retirement fund, create new family rules, etc. Such ventures would end with confusion, embarrassment and/or loss. But it will be a great time to go inward, study the past, enjoy nostalgia, etc. Investments, intimacy and investigations succeed hugely Monday! Show ambition Friday/Saturday. Gemini May 21-June 20 You might make a great agreement, relocate to a better "working place," meet someone exciting whom you might later love, or otherwise tumble into a superb opportunity Sunday/Monday. Sunday night's a bit disruptive, so Monday's better. One qualification: you must be eager, optimistic, diplomatic and willing to give another more than you demand for yourself. Mid-week's strong on finance and intimacy, but not luckily so - careful. Wisdom, mellowness, love, tolerance, far travel, culture favorably accented Thursday/Friday. DON'T start any mail, travel, communications, distribution, writing or similar projects before August 16. Cancer June 21-July 22 Your energy, charisma and effectiveness remain high, so tackle big goals, duties and normally difficult things. Soon, July 22 through August 15, delays will come, so act now. You'll hardly believe how much you accomplish Sunday/Monday! (Except Sunday night, which is disruptive, and dicey if you're using tools, electricity.) Be careful and diplomatic Tuesday/Wednesday. Mysteries - and valuable keys - arise Thursday/Friday. That latter day begins a month of money luck, but it also starts three weeks during which you should NOT start any income projects, nor buy anything important. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Last five days of gloom and weariness, Leo. You begin a month of heightened energy, charisma and clout Friday morning. I didn't write "effectiveness" because you'll be indecisive July 22 through August 15. (That's good, as charging ahead will lead to mistakes and dead-ends.) The best things you can do over the month ahead are: collect the money owed you, display past accomplishments, and avoid domestic tensions. An old hope, former friend or old "friendly" flame could return. Sunday/Monday are highly romantic, creative. Sunday's "prospect" won't work; Monday's will! Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Your revels now are ending, Virgo. Let things wind down Sunday/Monday. (If you push a new relationship, it will surprisingly "turn" - the wrong way - Sunday). These two days are superb for rest, sleep, contemplation, decisions about loyalties and those you should "let go." They also favor children, gardening, soul matters, and home repairs/renos (but don't start anything you can't complete in two days). Hold heart-to-heart discussions Tuesday. DON'T invest nor seek intimacy Wednesday. On Friday you'll enter a month of rest and quietude, lowered energy and spiritual leanings. Start NOTHING new. Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Talking, traveling and exercising your curiosity bring luck Sunday/Monday! Monday could attract a "friendly romance." The 2003-2005 weight of career duties fades bit by bit. You can feel your career, parental and community obligations slowing Tuesday/Wednesday. Accept this rather than fighting it Wednesday. You've paid your dues, why seek to pay more? Your rewards are already "set." Use the weeks ahead to ponder a grand future of enjoyable things! (But pursue them AFTER August 16.) Romance, pleasure, creative and speculative urges call you Thursday/Friday - these start a month of happiness! Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Mellow, tolerant, understanding mood continues. Sunday/Monday are very lucky for money, buying/selling - though Sunday cautions against purchasing entertainment high-tech and computers. Handle paperwork and errands Tuesday, but be careful what you say and write Wednesday. Settle down to home, nature, a park or old good friend Thursday/Friday - you need a good rest, especially as a powerful, packed month-long career, business and status phase starts Friday. You'll be busy soon. But concentrate on former projects or on keeping ongoing projects free from mistakes, until August 16 - new ventures will fail. Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Slowly the veils of mystery, the obscuring mists that power and lust always breathe, dissipate. By Friday you'll enter a month of understanding, learning, wider vision, cultural involvement and far travel. You'll understand why you've ended up "here." Most of this clearer vision will be focused on the past, perhaps involving an ex partner, social group or lover, from July 22 through August 15. During this period DON'T sign a contract, start a legal process, start school, nor wed. Your energy, charisma and luck burst upward Sunday/Monday. Seize the day! Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 You are moving in a deep, major way, from an open, face-to-face relationship focus, to deeper, more committed interaction. (DON'T commit to anything before August 16.) Associations in business will veer toward funding; in love, toward intimacy and shared finances, even pregnancy. Your opportunities now to late 2007 will be less open, less obvious, but more powerful. Research, intuition, investigation and diagnosis will become important tools. You might have to change your life. Rest Sunday/Monday. Visit a psychic or counselor Monday. You'll get an accurate, deep view! Chase money Thursday/Friday. Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Chase your dreams Sunday/Monday, Aquarius - your luck soars in social, love, entertainment, future-oriented, public, fame and similar areas! (Monday's best, as Sunday contains some late disruption.) Rest, avoid competition Tuesday/Wednesday. Your energy, pizzazz surge Thursday/Friday - ask favors, seek approval, show off! Friday starts a month of exciting, and important meetings - but don't make any promises or agreements, nor accept any, before August 16. It's too early. This whole relationship area (contracts, love/marriage, relocation, negotiations) will be very important, and slow to evolve, now to September 2007. An "ex" appears soon. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 Sunday/Monday show how huge your career could be. Contact VIPs, network, be ambitious. You'll pass any "test" with ease; you'll impress higher-ups. (But don't start big projects. Work activities will suffer from delays, supply shortages, indecision and misinformation through August 15. During this time, stick with ongoing projects.) Social delights, popularity and high hopes mark Tuesday/Wednesday - romance could reach a crescendo. But take care, also, as lover's spats or overspending are likely Wednesday. Retreat, rest Thursday/Friday - pursue spiritual, governmental, planning, therapeutic and confidential goals. You shine Saturday! Email: For a reading with Tim: 604-261-1337. /30/