ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS MAY 8 - 14, 2005 All times/dates are PDT. Reaction to last week's preamble about "phonies" came fast and furious. Some readers thought it was wrong to use a public forum (this column) to "trash" my ex-wife. Some praised me for speaking up about abusive (ex) spouses. My real point was that people exhibiting "phoniness" were often trying to find a point of contact, and therefore deserved understanding and compassion. (Some got it!) The "good on you" reactions outnumbered the "bad" 3:1. But now I keep examining myself for signs of phoniness_ I've decided to try a new feature in this column. Every week, right under the "Start Nothing" feature, I'll guess whether the DJIA (Dow) will be up (U) or down (D) or uncertain (?) day by day. To a certain degree, you can use the same U/D predictions for any stock market, but note: all predictions are for 6:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Pacific Time (9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern Time). Stock exchanges running outside North America will tend to operate outside these times, and not be applicable. Please accept a few things: 1) This is a work in progress - i.e., my predictions might not work - I'd count a 60 per cent score successful, but if it's a bust in accuracy, you'll someday see it's no longer here; 2) I am NOT a financial advisor; and 3) I will not be paying any attention to large, macro trends, which can often overwhelm any "daily sentiments." (For my view of the macro trends over the next few years, see my April 24 column.) Now, I promised to outline the long-range effects of Pluto and Uranus for the rest of the signs. (I've already done Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.) ARIES, from 1971-1983 Pluto caused upheaval in your relationships. From 1984 to 1995 you dealt with the aftermath of these changes - with the volcanoes of desire and the depths of sadness that these changes had left in their wake. You dived deep, into the maw of life, where sex, finances, life and death, power, control and fate (and even crime) live. But in 1996 you emerged to breathe fresh air. Since '96, and lasting through 2008, Pluto's task is to effect changes in your beliefs, life understanding, compassion, religion, higher learning, legal, media, cultural, international and far travel involvements. These are your areas of "fate" through 2008. Overall (except for 2002-03, when a bad lawsuit or wrong ideas entered) this period has brought you wisdom about the forces underlying sexual desires, finances, life and death and life changes. Next week - the future. Start Nothing: 10:15 p.m. Sun. to 0:29 a.m. Mon., 7:58 a.m. to 10:20 a.m. Wed., and 8:04 a.m. to 10:17 p.m. Fri. The Dow (PDT times!): Mon: D to 12:30, U; Tues: U; Wed: U; Thurs: D/U; Fri: U? Week: U. (up=U; down=D; starts down, improves=D/U; can't tell=?. Results not guaranteed.) Aries March 21-April 19 Don't make any enemies now to mid-June. During this same period, those who work against you could run into a legal wall, disapproval from authorities, even a life-upheaval. From December 04 to June 06, if you refuse to engage, you're protected; if you engage, you abandon your strength. For six weeks, handle red tape, government links; be charitable, plan your future. Chase money or make important purchases Sunday. Communications, travel, paperwork frustrate if you rush Monday/Tuesday - slow succeeds. Rest, be home, embrace your family Wednesday to Friday. Saturday's romantic. Taurus April 20-May 20 Your vitality, mood, charm and effectiveness continue to ride a high wave! Get out and be seen, approach others for favors or promotion, start important projects! Chase whatever and whomever you want Sunday - you'll get a glance or two from the opposite sex. Be careful with money Monday/Tuesday, especially if friends, government agencies or institutions are involved - these are two good days to earn more, though. (Ask for a pay raise Tuesday morning.) Trips, calls, errands, details and paperwork fill Wednesday-Friday. Charge ahead - people listen and answer. Rest, Saturday. Gemini May 21-June 20 Continue to lie low - work in the background, deal with charities, government agencies, red tape, institutions, spiritual realms - and get plenty of rest. You succeed in all these areas Sunday. Your energy's low but your charm rises this week and next: others react sweetly! Now through June 12 your hopes rise about business, career, and making your way in the world - but higher-ups and authorities will wield a temperamental scepter, so proceed carefully, diplomatically, and dodge the lightning bolts, especially in the days surrounding May 15 and June 2. Cancer June 21-July 22 Social joys, popularity and optimism continue to visit you, especially Sunday and Wednesday onward. (Retreat to rest, contemplate and plan Monday to dawn Wednesday - beware, Monday especially, any new, brash legal, far-travel, or media involvements. Slow, long-term ongoing involvements are okay.) Despite your growing popularity, your love nature grows more secretive for the rest of May. You could be dynamically attracted to someone who's already attached - just don't reveal it, and the fascination will ebb. Otherwise, you could light the fuse to a powder keg. Sell something Saturday. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Pursue your ambitions. But don't risk your bank account on them - investments, debt, large finances are very unpredictable this week and next. Generally, until mid-June, you're more likely to be too impulsive than too careful in these financial arenas. The same goes for sexual temptations - the kind that can lead to lifestyle changes (or worse, forbidden affairs). The secret side of your life will be intriguing for many weeks - investigation/research satisfies this urge, while adding to your knowledge. Stay honest! Your friendships will grow soon; life and hopes become sweeter. Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Bosses, authorities and parents look kindly on you for the rest of May. Propose projects, ask for a raise or promotion - even if you don't get it, you'll be put it their "eager for more" file! Relationships are fiery, unpredictable - someone, perhaps your lover, spouse or business partner, displays almost scary stress - calm him/her down by being supportive, compassionate. Otherwise, an important relationship takes a step closer to breaking off. Sunday's sweet. Monday/Tuesday are ambitious - luck's good and bad, so be alert. Optimism, social delights come Wednesday to Friday! Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Work demands intensify - be prepared! A spouse or partner (or your own efforts to deal with the public, reach a wider audience or attract more opportunities) is responsible. Though you're turned on sexually, this isn't the best month to begin a love relationship - new people with a "sexy surface" might turn out to be psychological enemies. Your wisdom and mellowness slowly grow over the weeks ahead - hints Monday/Tuesday. But these two days also disrupt and surprise - be alert for good luck and pitfalls. Be ambitious mid-week. Social delights Saturday! Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Relationships assume prime importance - be willing and eager. Pounce on opportunities. You'll face some challenge or opposition - first try diplomacy, even outright friendliness and co-operation. You might fall in love - suddenly. The rest of May heightens your romantic feelings and your sexual urges. By late this week (onward) someone might enter who charms you with his/her speech. Remember this: tackling a situation is much better than retreat, all year (and into 2006, too). Exciting meetings Sunday. Secrets, urges, commitments arrive Monday/Tuesday - good luck and bad. Love, travel, learning accented are Wednesday/Thursday. Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Much work confronts you - plod along, get it done. (You'll get lots accomplished Sunday.) The same plodding attitude might serve you well at home, where an unpredictable mixture of exploding tension and sweet relationship harmony turn your life into a Jeckle-Hyde affair. Be gentle with children. Take care with renovations and tools - surprises might lurk in wiring, behind walls, etc. The weeks ahead (starting Monday) bring pleasant responses from the opposite sex (but it's a dicey time to start a love link). Co-operate Monday/Tuesday: joys and disruptions alternate. Mysteries mid-week. Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 You're on a winning streak! Pursue romantic, creative, speculative or "risky" ventures, charm and teach children, hit the vacation trail, or otherwise find beauty, pleasure and love! Sunday's romantic. Tackle work carefully Monday/Tuesday. Relationships blossom Wednesday to Friday. A surprising money message might come late this week, or you get a travel ticket, or your car glitches. This or any other unexpected event could shunt you into a new attraction, a new investment, or open your eyes to the "inner workings" of power, profit or love. Expect action! Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Soak up nature's beauty Sunday. Be restful all week. Money flows swiftly - you could make much more than usual, but your subconscious urge to spend could empty your bank account. May 14/15 will hit a major money note - maybe a hectic one. Keep cool! A nice romantic breeze floats in Monday/Tuesday, and wafts through the rest of May, a harbinger of June's powerful romantic prospects. Discussions occur (perhaps Sunday, or Wednesday onward) about home renovations, domestic duties and the kids' future. Tackle chores Wednesday/Thursday. Exciting meetings, opportunities arrive Saturday. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 Your energetic pace continues. Sunday's filled with errands, friendly meetings, and easy chores. In a newspaper or in someone's words, lies a "golden" secret - a casual comment could spur you to commit, to change your life by next week. Your home needs gentleness Monday/Tuesday - children, spouse could find you unpredictable, even dictatorial. (After this, the rest of May, your home grows more affectionate.) Passion arrives Wednesday to Friday - for a person, a project, a creative or artistic endeavor. Whatever it is, plunge in; enjoy life's pleasure! Tackle chores Saturday. Email: For a reading with Tim: 604-261-1337. /30/