ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS JULY 18 - 24, 2004 All times/dates are PDT. Marlon Brando was an Aries, born in 1924. His Jupiter in Sagittarius helped him radiate his personality in a big way - a trait shared by many people born in 1924, 1936, 1948, 1959/60, 1971 and 1983. When Brando was born, Uranus, the planet that rules social activism, disruption and general irreverent mayhem, was "in square" - or "fighting" that lucky Jupiter. So Brando was a rebel - a surprisingly eloquent one. His Oscar refusal speech cleanly guts the racial hypocrisy of Hollywood's portrayal of Native peoples -with less verbiage than the average politician uses to dodge one question. But Brando's Jupiter luck and Uranian disruption was a curse - his insights, truthfulness and indelicacy of speech constantly landed him in trouble. People born in 1936, though they share Brando's lucky Jupiter-in-Sagittarius placement, have not suffered from this "rebel speech" syndrome. Their Jupiter was square Saturn and Neptune, which "sentenced" them to struggle with the luck of poverty/riches and inflation/deflation. 1948 babies were stamped with something similar to Brando's Jupiter-Uranus luck-versus-conscience syndrome - these natives often speak out of turn, and thereby alienate a powerful ally, client or opportunity. Still, these natives have found luck in fame, publishing, travel, political activities and activism. People born February 10 to April 23, 1959, October 6/59 to March 1/60, and June 10 to October 26/60, are an odd bunch - I suspect these natives rush into things (and out of them) very quickly, with a burning, fiery enthusiasm. Some of these people face a life of upheaval pivoting on spiritual, governmental or institutional "fulcrums." But most of this 59/60 group faces a smooth, lucky existence. 1971 babies dream big, and are the inheritors of inflation and astrophysics - but upheaval (again pivoting on a spiritual-governmental fulcrum) is almost certain in these lives. The trick, if you were born in this year, is to take advantage of upheaval, to ride the wave of events until it deposits you on a lucky shore. An example would be a journalist who succeeded by following world disasters. You 1983-born "Jupiterians" are also inflationary. You're big dreamers and big conceivers. At your best, you will create a new philosophy, understanding and political environment for the entire world, you will give us a system that replaces capitalism and communism. Your words and insights will guide humanity. At your weakest, you will be unpredictable dabblers who careen wildly from one short-lived enthusiasm to the next. To achieve, you must feel psychologically secure. Owning your own home, being a parent, will often grant you this security. Start Nothing: 11:50 a.m. Mon. to 0:44 a.m. Tues., 2:48 p.m. Wed. to 9:39 a.m. Thurs., and 2:54 p.m. to 4:08 p.m. Sat. Aries March 21-April 19 Your feeling of sluggishness will end mid-week - a month of romance, creativity and adventurous risks will ensue. You've been feeling stirrings of these, tinges of attraction, all July - now the "fullness" of love, romance, beauty and pleasure flows in, through August. You could fall in love - perhaps with someone met at a group function. Sunday/Monday give you a preview of these pleasures. Tackle necessary chores Tuesday/Wednesday. (But practise safety; and buy no computers.) Relationships, new, fresh horizons and opportunities arrive Thursday/Friday - greet them with eagerness - but avoid home, domestic commitments. Taurus April 20-May 20 Mid-week begins a month of property, family, security, retirement and similar concerns. Usually this is a sluggish, restful period, as nature "shuts down" your systems for physical and emotional recuperation. But this summer a fiery spirit exists which could spark good determination to get a job done (home repairs, landscaping, etc.). If you don't spend this fiery energy constructively, it will build up and cause tension, argument, etc. This is NOT a good time (June 23 to August 10) to begin living with anyone. Romance lures Tuesday/Wednesday - with barriers. Gemini May 21-June 20 Money, income, buying/selling and a generally practical, sensual outlook on the world drift away from you now. By mid-week, a lively month of travel, conversing, curiosity, paperwork, and casual friendships begins. You've already dipped your toe (or a whole leg) in these anyway - been travelling, meeting friends, writing - but now these blossom into a deeper fullness, bigger events! Don't avoid love and romance, especially Thursday to Saturday. You're having a deeper effect on someone than you suspect. Tackle home, property, family duties Tuesday/Wednesday - stay calm. The outdoors cure stress. Cancer June 21-July 22 Your energy, charisma and effectiveness continue high - but midweek, the emphasis changes from your personality (impressing people, etc.) to your money. During the four weeks ahead, narrow your focus to earning, selling, attracting lucrative clients, etc. This should be easy, as you've already experienced a rush of money in the last four weeks. Don't spend impulsively. Money's good, productive Sunday/Monday. Tackle paperwork, communications, travel and friendship "chores" Tuesday/Wednesday. These won't be easy, but struggle through without insulting anyone! Home sweet home lures you Thursday to Saturday - answer the call! Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Your energy rises somewhat Sunday/Monday - but maintain a restful mode through Wednesday. Every second of relaxation is precious; it builds your reserves. Then, Thursday, open up, seek others, go out, let the sunshine in. You begin a month of shining, personality radiance, energy, charisma, and effective action! (Except in money - here, Tuesday/Wednesday present problems, and August will begin a series of frustrations - so make yourself "financially impervious" if you can, sooner than later.) Friends, trips, visits and calls fill Thursday to Saturday. Love, voyage, school, law or fame loom! Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 The social life begins to fade now, as a month of solitude and quietude enters. Sink into yourself, find a good retreat. You can hatch some strong, workable plans now, involving big life changes, lifestyle, investments and debts (e.g., a new home and mortgage) and intimacy with someone special. Let these stay plans, until August 10 or 11. Then onward, into late September, you will be ready to act. But remember this: until September 1, only act on "returning things." September 2 onward, act on "new things." The horizon's bright! Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 For a year you've carried an additional weight on your career scene; for the last few weeks, they've been particularly heavy. You won't be released from your chains for another year - but the weeks ahead bring relief. Popularity, social delights, fun, light romance, a joy in living, and a renewed optimism arrive in a wee way Sunday/Monday, in a major way Thursday onward! One you meet at a social function (or have, since late June) could become a viable friend, business or love partner in times to come. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Your mellow, broadminded period ends. You've noticed new career pressures, stirrings, and the excitement (temperament?) of people in charge since late June - now and for the month ahead, these burst into action - new jobs and responsibilities, new projects, new opportunities loom. Be assertive, grab your chance for success, but be diplomatic too. The powerful people who are around now are not the type to forgive and forget. Don't make them think you're a threat. Finances, investments remain lucky. Tuesday/Wednesday are social, but not easy. Retreat to plan Thursday to Saturday. Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 You emerge from deep and mysterious realms and psychological moods to a broader view this week. It's like emerging from a cave and finding you're on a mountain top, able to gaze over the whole region. Research becomes a shared discussion, secrets become illumination, lust becomes affection. The weeks ahead could bring love, romance of an "elevated" kind, far travel, cultural exchanges, legal involvements, rituals such as weddings, religious or university enrolment. You could feel dreams are coming true Thursday to Saturday - you're half right! (Don't neglect duties Tuesday/Wednesday.) Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Relationships, meetings and opportune situations veer into deeper areas this week through the month ahead - into commitment, funding, intimacy, consequence. Your subconscious will rise to the surface - hunches, desires, lust propel you. In practical areas, finances, investments, debts become important "golden keys." You're already familiar with the present elements of these, since projects or notions have been growing all July. Don't be impulsive. Proceed with care and attention to detail. Someone who has been slow to accept you, will be quick, even eager, to grasp these deeper areas with you. Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 You've faced lots of work and burdensome chores over the last month. You won't escape these for twelve months, but they fade for awhile now through late August. This week turns your life toward fresh horizons, new relationships, new opportunities. That's not exactly right, since these new things have been around in some form since late June - but now they become fulsome, unmistakable. Be careful Tuesday/Wednesday - investments, sexual temptations and lifestyle changes are beset by difficulties. Someone likes you Thursday to Saturday. Attractive, happy and frustrating relationships will come! Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 The weeks ahead expand the chores that began in a small way over the last month - money hangs in the balance. Work assiduously on your duties this week, especially Sunday/Monday. Finances and sensual intimacy draw you Thursday to Saturday, but take care Thursday/Friday - reality and practicality run counter to your desires. Relationships meet barriers mid-week (Tuesday/Wednesday). But relationships are your most important thing - and your luckiest "doorway" - now through September. So study the barriers, contemplate a way around them for future encounters. An old flame might wait in the wings. For a reading: 604-261-1337. Email: /30/