ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS MAY 30 - JUNE 5, 2004 All times/dates are Pacific Daylight. The economy still looks good going forward - until October 2004. (Which isn't very far away.) Then through July 2005, our economic health might go either way, with the bias downward. From November 2005 to November 2006, the economy looks down. If the Dow declines to give us a P/E of 10, assuming present profits stay even, we'd see a 5,000 DJIA (versus a 10,000 today). Readers have written asking about CANCER and LIBRA. And one's written asking about a VIRGO-SAGITTARIAN relationship. This last is a #1-#4 sign relationship. (Remember all those preambles I wrote about relations between the various signs? I'll have to dredge them up from the archives and put them on the astral web site some day.) Virgo-Sagittarius is a "square" relationship, one focused mainly on power and nurturing. To Virgo, Sagittarius supplies security, emotional, psychological, or financial. Virgo loves security. To Sagittarius, incredible as it may sound, Virgo supplies a sense of prestige, ambition, power, status. (Incredible, because Sagittarians are usually so optimistic they seldom see anyone "higher up" than themselves.) Sagittarius loves to think big, and hates dealing with the little details that can derail their big ventures. Virgo jumps into an ocean of details as happily as a shepard-fish (a species I just invented) herding them into meaningful patterns. These two make a very workable pair in business or other ambitious projects. Virgo is critical, Sages are enthusiastic - a good check and balance combo. They do lack decisiveness, though, for both signs are prone to see multiple potential paths and multiple consequences, and even as a co-operative pair, they could waste their energy by starting too many projects without finishing any. Sexually, Virgo has a deep reservoir of "hidden heat." Once turned on, this sign is like a furnace that has been stoked for a long, deep passion. Sagittarius tends to flash with sudden heat, and then cool. (This could happen many times in one day.) Both will tend to feel a strong sense of duty toward each other - and later, if children come, toward the family structure itself. Virgo loves everything natural - dirt, trees, blue sky, and children. Sagittarius loves the concept of social traditions, including marriage. If Virgo has a lunar north node in Sagittarius, and/or Sage has a north node in Virgo (in their birth charts) this relationship could work very well. The North node was in Virgo June/41 to Nov./42, Dec./59 to early June/61, and July/78 to Dec./79. It was in Sagittarius mid-Sept./36 to Feb./38, Apr./55 to Sept./56, and Nov./73 to early July/75. I'll have to tackle Libra and Cancer next week. Start Nothing: 12:09 p.m. Sun. to 0:08 a.m. Mon., 2:16 p.m. Tues. to 0:52 a.m. Wed., 10:12 a.m. Thurs. to 0:12 a.m. Fri., and after 5:28 a.m. Sat. Aries March 21-April 19 The accent lies on communications, short trips, casual contacts, curiosity, paperwork, details and "stories." Rumors, news, and hunches tend to be more and more true as the week ages. Friday accurately shows you where luck lies, and what the reality is, in your career or prestige ambitions. Earlier, Sunday (May 30) could trigger unexpected work luck - but this day is also great for love and "wheeling-dealing" before noon (PDT). Seek deep answers, investigate, invest or pursue intimacy Monday, not Tuesday. A legal or love matter reaches a climax mid-week. Taurus April 20-May 20 Chase money. Your luck's high all summer in earnings, purchases and selling. Seek lucrative clients, ask for a pay raise, etc. A "situation" builds this week in a relationship's deep side, in the intimate/sexual, power, or financial area. This could bring love, but it might also bring a subtle struggle: do you insist on your own interests, or yield to another's dominance? Don't yield. If necessary, just turn away. Investments need caution. Work succeeds Sunday. Love, opportunities and negotiations are blessed Monday. Love, travel and career are blessed Friday. Gemini May 21-June 20 Your energy, charisma, and effectiveness ride a lucky wave! Love, romance, creativity, beauty and pleasure await you Sunday morning. Tackle chores Monday/Tuesday. Relationships command attention Wednesday/Thursday - deep things occur between you and others, right into Friday/Saturday. A subtle alienation and an "off center" fascination could arise - with the same person, perhaps. Attraction and enmity reach a climax. It's an odd situation: you're attractive, but the other is stubborn. Applies in love and business. Everything's semi-hidden, underground forces play between you. It leads to commitment, intimacy, funding - or a break-off. Cancer June 21-July 22 Your energy's low, but your assertiveness is high - proceed carefully and wisely. Concentrate on administrative actions, delegating tasks. Handle red tape, plan an ambitious career or business move/project. Your sociability is productive, so gather allies. Otherwise, enjoy the sweet solitude and blissful contemplation that come now. Sunday shows you nature's heaven. Beauty, pleasure and romantic dreams fill Monday/Tuesday - speculate a little in stocks, create a bit in art. Work and duties fill Wednesday/Thursday: something significant takes place "silently" in this arena. Relationships are lucky, testy, and dreamy Friday/Saturday. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Your hopes and wishes could come true this week and the next few, Leo! Life treats you to a long wave of optimism, popularity, entertainment, light romance and general joy of living! There's a certain destiny afoot if a romance begins now - you could fall madly in love Wednesday/Thursday. Reserve the rest of this week for clear-eyed appraisals of your situation. Sunday's great for travel, reading, emailing, curiosity and conversations. Be home, quietly recuperate or shore up your security Monday/Tuesday. Chores call Friday/Saturday - but love, opportunities "overseas" call successfully. Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 You're lucky in career, ambitions, parental role, community status and relations with VIPs into August - this week and the next few, you can add impetuous and drive to that luck. Charge ahead! (There's one possible glitch - a family, real estate or security situation could "fight" against your success in career, etc. If so, you'll have to find a solution, compromise or meeting point. This arises most obviously Wednesday/Thursday.) Chase money or make a lucky purchase Sunday. Travel, paperwork, calls fill Monday/Tuesday. Romance, beauty, pleasure and creative surges arrive Friday/Saturday! Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 It's odd - a casual remark or conversation, an item in the newspaper, a little something that piques your curiosity, seems to hint at deep and meaningful consequences or pathways. In doing so, it contradicts your own moral, philosophical, or logical ideas. For example, you're planning to marry or attend university or travel abroad, but someone's offhand remark puts you in doubt. Ignore the small remarks, they come from a place of questionable motive. Your own convictions, love, are sweet and blessed all summer. Seek security, home, but accept romance, Friday/Saturday. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Lie low, rest Sunday. Your energy and charisma bounce back Monday/Tuesday - you'll regain your direction, set projects on a firm new footing, make changes that benefit your lifestyle, finances, and intimate life. Through June, avoid legal hassles, but do accept employment duties that involve legal, travel, or teaching "stints." A sensual, purchasing or monetary opportunity awaits you Wednesday/Thursday - it could create benefits in security, family, or retirement. Grab it! Your memory or logic tells you one thing - but research or an advisor tells you another. Listen, be flexible, accommodative! Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Relationships are front-and-center. Be diplomatic, flexible - realize others hold the aces - and can open the door for you to advance. Be sociable, teasing, flirting, but not argumentative Sunday. A wish could come true if you don't insist that you alone possess the truth! Retreat Monday/Tuesday - rest, contemplate, plan. Deal with red tape, institutions IF you must. (If not, avoid them.) Your energy and charisma rise nicely Wednesday/Thursday - you might run into an alluring person. Your vivacity, cheerfulness can trigger opportunities, especially in social, love, travel, relocation, business and work arenas. Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Tackle chores - they're easy, you'll get lots done, and co-workers are pleasant. Relations heat up with someone, or stay heated - in love or enmity. All week, you have a "sixth sense" about money, how to make it or spend it in the best way. If you're unemployed, seek work Sunday to Tuesday, and Friday. You can charm people in monetary negotiations, career and business spheres these days. This week also features a subtle but significant turning point in a monetary or personal relationship. Power and affection pull different ways. Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Love, romance, beauty, speculation, creativity, pleasure, sports, games, vacation, and the joys of children - these bless you this week. You'll face a choice between these "in pure form" and their less potent, spread-out, social side. The urge to "socialize joy" - e.g., to turn a potential romance into "just friends," or to avoid quality time with your kid by gathering all his friends around - is an ambitious, subtly alienating urge. Reject it. Your outlook's mellow and tolerant Sunday - speak of love, or order travel, theatre tickets before noon. Retreat, rest Friday/Saturday. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 You have to choose between home, family, security or real estate on the one hand, and ambition, prestige on the other. Home's the better choice. In extreme cases, you'd be better off to end than change careers. This entire week blesses you in home, rest, spiritual and similar areas. Your dealings with government agencies and institutions will succeed (so initiate them). Sunday's mysterious, intriguing. Grasp a "golden key!" Wisdom, love, understanding flow to you Monday/Tuesday. Chase ambitions Wednesday/Thursday, if it won't harm "home matters." Your optimism, happiness grow Friday/Saturday! 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