ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS APRIL 25 - MAY 01, 2004 All times/dates are Pacific Daylight Time. Last week I showed you which first initials indicated harmony between two people. ("First initial" means the first letter of the first name: e.g., "B" for Barry White.) Here are the first initial combinations that indicate difficult relationships. A (and sometimes R) will tend to have a hard time with M, O, (sometimes D) S, H and Y (and they with A). B and I will suffer friction with F, W, and V (and sometimes D). For C, E, and X, inharmonious relations are likely with G, N, T and Z. Friction is likely to arise for M or O (and sometimes D) with anyone whose first name begins with A, (sometimes R) P, or L. People whose first name begins with F or W can have fractious relationships with B, I, or K. If your first name begins with G or N, steer clear of emotional relationships with C, E, X, J, Q, or U. Those with an H, S or Y first initial might be rubbed the wrong way by A (sometimes R) P and L people. If your first initial is J, Q or U, you'll likely disagree with G, N, T and Z first names. K people don't harmonize with F, W, or V (and sometimes D). If your first name starts with L or P, you suffer friction with M, O (sometimes D) and S, H, or Y. Those with the first initial of T or Z will face abrasive relations with C, E, X, J, Q and U. Those with V as a first name will find it rough trying to be smooth with B, I, or K. If your first initial is D or R, you might get along with, or find friction with, just about any letter! Now, there is a combination that attracts, sparks and challenges. It can lead to real love or instant enmity. To a business or emotional partnership in which each person supplies everything the other lacks, or to a constant competitive ragging at each other. This combination demands maturity and flexibility, because each person will have the same level of stubbornness as the other. I call these "partnership" combos. They are: A (sometimes R) with L or P - B or I with K - C, E or X with J, Q or U - F or W with V (and sometimes D) - G or N (sometimes R) with T or Z - H, S or Y with M, O (and sometimes D). Why letters work I don't know. I suspect a reason or two, but I have never plumbed their depths. In the broadest sense, as language evolves over centuries it might form an intimate series of relations to our subconscious. Or, from a spiritual angle, perhaps God puts the germ of a child's name in the parents' subconscious, and names reflect destiny (and therefore personality patterns). Start Nothing: 2:56 a.m. to 7:14 p.m. Mon., 7:08 p.m. Wed. to 5:00 a.m. Thurs., and 4:31 a.m. to 11:03 a.m. Sat. Aries March 21-April 19 What you say and what's legal or socially acceptable might be different things this week, so think quietly before you speak. A subtle alienation could take place in a friendly relationship. These "dangers" refer specifically to peer, partnership, public, or face-to-face relationships (perhaps with a Libran). Otherwise, this is a mellow, happy week! Romance seems to flow with destiny's help, Sunday and late Monday to Wednesday. (Be restful, seek nature or indulge your family Sunday.) Tackle chores Thursday/Friday. Your employment prospects enlarge - you could grab a promotion mid-late week! Taurus April 20-May 20 Your energy and charisma soar! You'll meet some frustrations in timing and reaching the right people - still, make personal appearances, ask for favors, and otherwise push your interests. Communications, travel and paperwork go well Sunday - especially with government agencies, institutions, large companies, or any red-tape situation. Something might end Monday to Wednesday - at first it seems wrong, a disappointment, then you'll see the great gift this "ending" is. It frees you for luck in love, creativity, child-raising, and life's risks and adventures generally! (These are successful Thursday night, fractious Friday.) Gemini May 21-June 20 Lie low, rest, watch the efforts of others (this will teach you what's possible, what's not). Listen to the advice of people who are good-willed, friendly toward you, especially Sunday, when friendship links to opportunity - or love. Visit counsellors, psychics, financial advisors, etc. Money and purchases go well Sunday (only purchases connected to the past, if large). Travel, paperwork, details and "reaching someone" frustrate Monday/Tuesday, but these surge luckily Wednesday! You could score big with a property deal this day or Thursday! But pull back from everything Friday/Saturday. Rest. Cancer June 21-July 22 Your popularity soars, social delights arrive, old friends and lovers pop up. An old career "chance" hovers around (especially Sunday). Think before you grab it - the money will be good, but do you want the lifestyle it entails? Your energy and charisma rise Sunday. Money holds a few glitches or frustrations Monday/Tuesday, but Wednesday flows with dollar luck - a (small) purchase or pay raise or some such could please you! (Don't buy anything major - computer, car, etc. - quite yet.) Communications flow happily and fortunately Thursday, not Friday. Be home Saturday. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 The emphasis lies on career, ambitions, parental roles, community status and your relations with VIPs. Rest and plan Sunday. All's well. Your charisma soars Monday night to Wednesday - grab success Wednesday, grab money Thursday! Go slow Friday/Saturday. Your wishes and "heart delights" will conflict with money and possessions until August - choose the heart until May 7, money May 7 to 21, both (half each!) May 22 to June 21, money June 22 to July 21. Then the heart July 22 to August 21. Ultimately, let money/earnings outweigh all else. Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 A wish could come true Sunday, perhaps regarding an investment, debt, mortgage, lifestyle change, health cure, or intimacy with someone. An almost silent "message" might be involved. Your popularity rises Sunday/Monday. Retreat, rest and plan Tuesday/Wednesday - tackle red tape, contact government, head office, institutions or visit psychics, other advisors Wednesday. Despite your weariness, your luck's superb! A property, family or security matter could be solved - perhaps with a profit! Your energy and magnetism surge Thursday/Friday. Take actions Thursday - forget the past, aim for the future! Go slow Saturday - observe. Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Your subconscious rises to the surface. Themes of sexual attraction, power, research and secrets, large finances, health and lifestyle changes flow in. You can grab a gem in these areas Sunday - a revealed secret or subtle message "informs you" about a relationship, relocation, or "contract" opportunity. A wish could come true Tuesday to Thursday (Wednesday's best) - red tape, a government agency or a spiritual "doorway" might be involved. (Wednesday's great - after 2 a.m. PDT - for seeing psychics or other advisors.) Rest, contemplate Friday, early Saturday. Be profound, serious Saturday. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Work, employment and health matters begin to straighten out this week. You face a money (or love/lust) choice as the week grows old. Should you opt for short-term earnings or for a delayed-reward situation that hopefully will build your net worth? (Or should you stick with old faithful or chase a new, alluring stranger?) The right answer appears Sunday - it's "simple." You might meet an exciting person this day. Career pressures and ambitions mislead you Tuesday, but lead to superb results Wednesday. A dream could come true late Thursday! Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 The main emphasis lies on work, health, equipment and dependents. Plod along - DON'T buy equipment, work to exhaustion, nor start new work projects. Your financial, sexual, and relationship prospects look excellent Sunday - mysteries and desires mingle in a potent brew. (An ineffective one Monday.) Romance winds through this week, especially Tuesday (illusion, misguided) and Wednesday (lucky). Wednesday's also good for legal, educational, far travel, philosophical and similar matters. Your career, prestige are very lucky Wednesday tense/abrupt Thursday daytime, then very lucky again Thursday night. But cool your jets Friday/Saturday. Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Plunge into romance, creativity, pleasure, child-raising joys. You're on a winning streak, you have a chance to strike sparks in an exciting meeting - especially Sunday. Paradoxically, Sunday also offers a great retreat or "private place." You can solve family, property and "soul" issues this day. Life's depths, commitment in financial, sexual or lifestyle areas are slated Monday night to Wednesday - Wednesday's by far the luckiest of these three days. Yes, commit, the way is clear! Love, legalities, far travel, cultural rituals, education, religion - all meet a lucky streak Wednesday/Thursday! Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Sink into home, family, real estate, security, food and "soul" matters. These are blessed all year, could yield far more reward (money, emotional) than career efforts. Rest, contemplate rather than trying to impress the world. Tackle work Sunday - you'll accomplish much. A chat, trip or call could indicate that one of your goals/wishes is available! Relationships frustrate or yield little but dreams Monday/Tuesday, but they enter lucky realms Wednesday! A sexual, financial or lifestyle commitment is chock-full of "future luck" Wednesday, and Thursday eve/night! But take it easy Friday/Saturday. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 Paperwork, details, trips, casual contacts, visits and communications fill your days. Romance, beauty, a speculative or creative urge bless you Sunday. You could also "slide into" a great money-income-career-business situation this day. Tackle work Tuesday/Wednesday. (You'll get more done Wednesday. Tuesday's filled with "shifting conditions.") Lucky relationships face you Wednesday/Thursday - approach, join, propose! Your luck comes through others, so be diplomatic but eager. Relocation, love, contracts, partnerships, public dealings, fame - all are potential goldmines! Be wary Thursday daytime - reactions are abrupt, unpredictable. Lie low Friday/Saturday - home conflicts with career demands. Email: For a reading: 604-261-1337. /30/