ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS NOVEMBER 9 - 15, 2003 All times/dates are PST. None of us should buy a computer, software, car, nor begin an electrical project Monday through Tuesday dawn (PST). This has nothing to do with astrology, but, being a traveller, I have wondered for some months: why are the lowest posted fares on internet sites such as sometimes hundreds of dollars more than they are at brick-and-mortar travel agencies - for identical flights? (A recent example: Vancouver to Paris round trip, economy, all fees and taxes included, early '04: $775 at a local agency. At Expedia, same departure flight, with similar return flight was $ 1,890. Expedia's cheapest Paris return flight for the same day was $ 1,311. At its lowest, Expedia was almost twice the price of a neighbourhood travel agency! was much better - only $ 23 more than my local travel agency.) My advice: don't buy from these internet sites. Or, at least, comparison shop. The streak of dishonesty that's corrupted America's business elite, and filled the pages of your local newspaper, seems remarkably reminiscent of the gangsterism that infected Japanese business circles in the 1980's, and led to Japan's long, twenty-year slide into deflation and lingering recession. That's why N.Y. Attorney General Elliot Spitzer's campaign against corporate vice is so valuable. But Spitzer - and the whole society of America - seem afraid to take their "silver sword" all the way. Afraid if they really attack the foundations of business corruption, they'll bring the whole house down - collapse the economy itself. This has been Japan's fear for twenty years. From 1996 through early 2008, the planet Pluto crawls through Sagittarius. Pluto rules secrecy, crime, hidden deeds and power struggles. Sagittarius is a "double" sign, always yielding two's - a thing and its opposite. So until 2008 two powerful groups will fight for dominance over the things Sagittarius rules: business, international relations, politics, philosophy and "the truth." Bush's fight against Islamic fundamentalism is classic Sagittarian stuff. But Pluto loves hidden struggles, so we don't see everything. We see Spitzer attack the investment banks for collusion, but we don't see why he settles for a small fine and lets them keep their billions of ill-gotten profits. (What happened to the principle that a criminal should not be allowed to keep the proceeds of crime?) Nor do we see why a judge barred all shareholders' class action lawsuits on the same matter - barred them from even getting a trial. To Pluto, power is everything; legality is secondary. 2004 will bring the "final fight" between honesty, law and governance versus dishonesty and collusion. The stakes: whether America follows Japan, down. Start Nothing: 6:59 p.m. to 9:14 p.m. Sun., 7:57 a.m. to 10:10 a.m. Wed., and 5:39 a.m. to 9:48 p.m. Fri. Aries March 21-April 19 Be cautious with money Sunday. A few sharp or unintended words can cause a breech in a relationship Monday/Tuesday - wait until Tuesday p.m. to communicate. DON'T buy a computer, car, travel tickets, etc. Home grows sweet - and profitable - about noon Wednesday into Friday pre-dawn. Renovations, landscaping and such basic, "muscle chores" go well. Your romantic side awakens late Friday into Saturday. The future is different than you think, but chase someone anyway (unless he/she drinks or drugs - this person, very friendly to you, will also lead you into a co-dependent role). Taurus April 20-May 20 This week begins tensely, ends sweetly. Your energetic impatience might earn a raised eyebrow Sunday. Your intuition about money is good Monday into Wednesday dawn, but other people don't agree with your ambitions. So you might be stuck between friendship and profit, or between love and exercising your sexual drives. Though it sounds unwise, ambition, profit and/or sex seem the better choices. (Could be that a friend isn't one.) Go with friendship and love Thursday into Friday dawn. Friday's easy, but commit to nothing. Seek home, peace, dreams Saturday. Gemini May 21-June 20 You're weary Sunday, but your energy picks up late this night into Wednesday morning. Usually, I'd say start important projects while your vigour's high, but you could be led into the wrong project, or run into stubborn (though friendly) opposition. (The wrong project will likely have something to do with machinery, chores, employment, dependents or health "improvements.") Money projects (spending, earning) are success-starred Thursday into Friday pre-dawn. Communications deceive or worry you Saturday. This night slowly grows affectionate. Relationships perk up, and sweeten, now into December. VIPS remain temperamental. Cancer June 21-July 22 Romance, creative projects, pleasure, self-expression, speculation and joys with kids continue to be featured - but go slow with these, keep it light. (A romantic friend will bless you in the year ahead; a romantic heart-throb will frustrate.) Sunday's happy, social - but tense too. Conserve your energy Monday to Wednesday morning - rest, avoid power tools when you're tired, and don't force a "romantic showdown." Your energy, magnetism and effective roar back Wednesday through Friday - start big projects Thursday, except in travel, law or publishing. Money's lure could be deceptive Saturday. Leo July 23- Aug. 22 Don't yell in the parking lot, or do anything to dent your reputation Sunday. You'll feel sociable, optimistic Sunday night through Wednesday morning. These days are studded with both good and bad luck. Simply be cheerful and you'll get the good. If you try for a relationship of equals, you'll succeed Tuesday p.m. onward; but if you seek power or lust, you'll fail the entire period. These, power and/or lust, and investments and lifestyle changes, can succeed late Wednesday into pre-dawn Friday. But be restful: you're tired until Saturday. Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Daydream or work Sunday, but don't mix the two. (Dreaming is better.) Your ambitions, relations with VIPs and status goals come to the fore Monday to Wednesday morning. You'll succeed more easily if you wait until Tuesday p.m. to act. (Before this, nerves are frayed or tools don't work, etc. - DON'T buy a computer, car, appliance before Wednesday noon.) Social delights, light romance, optimism and popularity arrive Wednesday p.m. to Friday - a fond wish could come true! You could meet someone intense, sexy yet steady at a social gathering. Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 If you've "made a change" over the last two days (November 7/8) you've done well - leave it alone now. Social laws, love, money and sex don't mix well Sunday through Wednesday morning. Still, a mellow, wise mood steals over you Monday to Wednesday dawn. Intense, sensual romance seems difficult through Wednesday, but mild love and sweetness are available Tuesday p.m. onward. Be ambitious Wednesday noon through Friday dawn - some excellent chances "hover" - not to make a big splash, but to achieve quiet, serious progress. Saturday brings social delights, happiness! Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Your energy, charisma and effectiveness continue high! But your "aim" is critical to success. If you proceed selfishly, you'll only "conquer an empty city." If instead you aim outward, toward relationship, sharing or relocating, you'll build success. Still, this won't be easy Sunday through Tuesday morning, as sudden disagreements arise. (These are old tensions - they'll fade by January.) You can "repair" worn feelings with a bit of friendly affection Tuesday p.m. into pre-dawn Wednesday. Love, wisdom, far-travel, media, education and social rituals are favored Wednesday noon to Friday dawn. Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Though you're weary and a bit withdrawn this month, you're already beginning to attract relationships. From Wednesday onward, mere glances and thoughts become conversations and new contacts. Enjoy this increased mingling - but keep a cautious outlook regarding relationships right into November 26. Until then, you face many hard choices in this area, especially in family and romantic ties/possibilities. Relationships are particularly disruptive Sunday to Tuesday noon, then they improve Tuesday p.m. Sexy desires and good investments appear Thursday - the old and young, stability and impulse, combine well. Wisdom/love, Saturday. Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan.19 Happiness surrounds you; you're popular! Still, romance or a pleasure project might be disrupted by tension Sunday - don't drive around suppertime. Work, tools, health and your dependents need care Monday/Tuesday - take care with electricity, tools, driving through Tuesday noon. After this, your mood and productivity rise nicely, into Wednesday dawn. Relationships improve considerably Wednesday noon to Friday dawn - grab an opportunity, meet an exciting person, relocate, chase a great agreement/deal! Secrets, red tape, dealings with government agencies will increase midweek into late December. These aren't "healthy" until December - fair warning! Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Just rest and stay out of trouble Sunday. Tension's possible. Your romantic, creative side rises Monday to Wednesday dawn - it's tough going before Tuesday noon, easier after. You might face a choice: do you "submerge yourself" for career, boss, parents, or don your superman cape of self-assertion and self-development? Life favors the latter. But chores and duties are an opportunity Wednesday afternoon to Friday dawn - perhaps a profitable opportunity! Exciting relationships or opportunities "far away" arise Saturday - but is the distance too great, or the person involved unreliable? Perhaps. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 Take mild care with driving, speech and tools Sunday. Your home life lures you Monday to Wednesday dawn - you can enjoy withdrawal, rest, family comforts and nature's great health, especially Monday daytime and Tuesday p.m. onward. But legal, relationship, and travel matters can spark disruptions or arguments. Be diplomatic! Romance, creative urges, pleasure and speculative interests, and the joys of children - these proceed successfully Wednesday p.m. to Friday dawn. You're attracted to older or younger "prospects" (through mid-2005). You might take a step here Thursday! Work, duties confuse Saturday. E-mail: For a reading: 604-261-1337. /30/