ASTRAL RELFECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS JULY 13 - 19, 2003 All times/dates are PDT. Label your own Sun sign # 1 in the column below, then the one below yours # 2, and so on, until you reach # 12, the sign right behind (above) you. Relations with your sign # 1 (another person of your own Sun sign) have a certain advantage. You're both similar, so you understand each other's inner workings. You slip easily and comfortably into the same lifestyle. You tend to have the same goals, to respect the same virtues, etc. If you have some strong love-contacts between your birth charts (Moons trine, Venus with Mars, etc.) this can be a stable, calm, long-lasting union. Last week, I used Bob Hope as an example. He and his wife, both Geminis, are probably the longest-married couple in Hollywood. However, barring strong love - and empathy - aspects between two people, same-sign relationships can grow a little boring. Even with good love contacts (Venus-Mars, etc.) it helps if one member is a workaholic (or both are). Two # 1s can evolve into a marriage of convenience. Lack of empathy can turn a #1-#1 relationship bitter. You might feel suffocated by your similarity, and, eventually resent the other person. Neutrality and sameness turn into competitiveness. This competitiveness easily rises to the surface in a business relationship, so a #1-#1 business partnership is not usually a good idea. In love, make sure you really share a spark and a solid tenderness before you make this one permanent. Relations between you and your # 2 sign are friendly, polite, easy-going, natural, and sensual. This is often the easiest person to "bed" - you merely have to ask, to show some desire, and the answer is a simple, Okay, why not? There is very little embarrassment between you and # 2. Unfortunately, this lack of embarrassment hints at too much ease...and eventually you might begin to take your # 2 for granted. Unless you and # 2 share some other chemistry (Venus-Mars together or Moons trine Sun, etc.) boredom can set in. Often, you can sense the looming boredom even at first or second meeting, as a simple lack of "crazy passion." Often, after years of wrestling with the notion, a person who marries # 2 might decide they have to move on. But if Venus/Mars add their chemistry, or the Moon works its birth-chart magic, any couple can be deeply happy. In business, your # 2 can be a profitable connection, even a good partner. This is your money sign, and # 2 will often get you your first job, or buy your used furniture, etc. # 2s make lucrative, loyal clients, But in the long run, you must "repay" # 2. If you "over use" # 2, at a certain point you'll find # 2 is taking your money! Start Nothing: 12:21 p.m. Sun. to 3:38 a.m. Mon., 3:57 p.m. Tues. to 8:14 a.m. Wed., and 7:49 a.m. to 4:20 p.m. Fri. Aries March 21-April 19 Your restful, sluggish feeling will last ten more days (to July 22). Then, you'll plunge into one of the luckiest months you've experienced in decades! This luck will center around romance, creative or speculative projects, pleasure, vacation, beauty/arts, raising/teaching children - and it will beneficially affect learning, law, international travel, and media projects. Rest now, so you'll have extra energy to throw into that upcoming luck-fest! Make some decisions during this easy week: build some bases, cut some ties, shift burdens, decide where you're going in future - and with whom. Taurus April 20-May 20 Communicate, travel, handle details and paperwork during this easy week. You could dream of far-away places Sunday. Law, love, and learning go well until noon. Your career scene demands attention Monday/Tuesday - luck and opportunity exist here, so be assertive, ambitious. A wish could come true Wednesday to early morning Friday - You could meet romance, or could watch a favorite friend or relative fall in love. But beware of investments, debt and sexual consequences Thursday afternoon. Retreat, rest, contemplate charity and spirit Friday eve, Saturday. Study real estate all week. Gemini May 21-June 20 Your sober emotional stance of 2001-2003 changes to cheerful - but now you must be sober in finances. Consider this: if deflation does arrive, only the debt-free will prosper. (For the effect of deflation on your debt, nose around the library or web Sunday morning.) This week's easy and smooth. Sunday's for mysteries, research, changes, investment plans, sexy intimacy - before noon. A loving, understanding mood flows over you Monday/Tuesday - contemplate far vistas. Your ambitions face excellent prospects Wednesday to Friday dawn! But beware personal competition, power struggles. Social delights Saturday! Cancer June 21-July 22 Your energy, charisma and effectiveness continue high! You'll grow more sober and serious now through mid-2005, yet this will increase your appeal to members of the opposite sex who aren't playing games. Sunday brings exciting meetings, opportunities, and possible opposition - be diplomatic, eager. Life's mysteries absorb you Monday/Tuesday - again, opportunities blossom, especially in financial, lifestyle, and sexual zones. If you commit yourself to a person or project now, you'll gain long-term. But the best "profit" is immediate, short-term. Passion, love are lucky Wednesday to Friday - but avoid legal/ethical quandaries. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Rest, recuperate, contemplate and plan. Big things loom on the late July-August horizon - prepare calmly. Use just enough energy to clear the decks of clutter, old obligations and "clinging vines." Tackle a chore before noon Sunday. Relationships, opportunities and opposition confront you Monday/Tuesday: a cheerful smile will bring people over to your side. Research life's mysteries Wednesday to Friday morning. Study and implement crucial financial, intimate and lifestyle changes. Has something held you back the last two years? Find it (in yourself, probably) and expunge it! Wisdom comes Saturday night. Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 A wish could come true during this easy, smooth week. If single, you might meet passion, or a "refreshing person," or true love Sunday morning or Wednesday into Friday morning. The same times bring pleasure, creativity, beauty (Sunday) and practical, business, relocation or social opportunities. Tackle chores Monday/Tuesday. Friday night brings "hard reality" in financial, sexual, health and lifestyle zones. You're inclined to wander in a pink haze, or swim a sea of worry, Saturday afternoon. Do neither - Saturday eve (and July 20) will bring clear sight, lucky solutions! Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Income related to communications, writing, travel accounts or similar activities might be delayed through August. Work projects hit a similar slowdown through October. This isn't a mere hassle. It's the universe nudging you to re-visit the hopes, plans and social joys you'd almost abandoned for monetary and career goals. By next week, you'll do just that. Meanwhile, spend this week taking care of ongoing career/ambition duties (don't start new ones) - success is easy, except mid-afternoon Thursday and Saturday. Romance beckons Monday/Tuesday. Relationships confuse Saturday to mid-afternoon, clear nicely later. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Your mellow, understanding mood continues for ten more days - take advantage, learn, seek teachers, mix with humanity, seek love, travel afar, contemplate your place in society, the world. You could meet true passion this week, or be carried away on romantic waves by someone you met recently. It's good! A summer slow-down in earnings has granted you the time/space to chase the heart's goals. July 22 begins one of the luckiest, most important months for your career/ambitious goals in many years - rest, prepare for it by having fun now. Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 You continue to face the deeper zones of life: crucial finances, investment and debt, intimacy, commitment and consequence, psychological exploration, occultism, research, the urgings of your subconscious. Following hunches or subtle desires served you well last week - do the same this week (except Thursday eve and Saturday to mid-afternoon, when your intuition deserts you). The results might occur immediately, but it's more likely they will appear after weeks, even months. You're building for the future by committing your funds, heart or resources now. Family, nature, property meet luck Wednesday/Thursday. Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 You met some lucky people and opportunity-laden situations last week. That trend continues now. Cultivate contacts, friends, allies, in love and business. Network, do small favors, show others you care. Soon, from July 22 through late August, all this will pay off. (At that time you'll enter the deeper, more secret side - the "binding and change" side - of relationships. This area is packed with the highest luck in a decade.) Your charisma shines Sunday. Chase lucky money, income, purchases Monday/Tuesday. Communications, paperwork, travel succeed Wednesday to Thursday 2 p.m. Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Rest, contemplate Sunday. Tackle chores Monday/Tuesday, when your energy surges to a weekly high. You'll attract "favorable attention" these two days. Chase lucky purchases and income sources Wednesday into Friday dawn - but avoid Thursday afternoon, when lemons and negativity lurk. Take care in writing and speaking Friday night into mid-afternoon Saturday - emotional coolness combines with confusion. Later Saturday, you're fine - make an affectionate visit or call! Soon (July 22) a huge, opportunistic month of superb relationship luck will begin. Make room for this luck by finishing your chores now. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 Continue to chase love, romance, adventure, sports, games, vacations, creative success, beauty and pleasure - life's sweet and exciting now! (Of course, it helps if you're young!) If you have children, prepare their scholastic future now. Social delights, flirtation and optimism greet you Sunday. But retreat, rest, handle red tape or spiritual, charitable matters Monday/Tuesday. Your energy, charisma and determination return powerfully Wednesday into Friday. Start important projects, seek attention and favors, chase love - all before Friday dawn. Don't step on anyone's toes Thursday afternoon. Take care with money Friday/Saturday. Email: For a reading: 604-736-9189. /30/