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-love 2012

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The Fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) are especially favoured in love for the first five months, as Mars burns hot and ardent in Leo. A significant, even life-long love can start. This Leo Mars will also affect Air sign Aquarius very strongly, bringing either attraction or enmity – or both. Intensity is high in either case. For Gemini and Libra (fellow Air signs) this Mars perks up the social life. Librans could witness a dream coming true – a long-held wish fulfilled about a partner, marriage, perhaps about someone long-desired but not previously available. For all these six signs, the summer (June to early September) could bring a light but joyous extension of these trends – with intensity replaced by friendliness, optimism and generosity.

For the Earth and Water signs, the first five months of 2010 could hold some challenges, not in romance, but in simply getting along with others. Emotions run high and intense reactions prevail in domestic areas (at home) for Taurus, in career and parent-child situations for Scorpio, in sexual, financial and secret zones for Virgo (accompanied by a feeling of being restricted in these), and in deep sexual zones for Capricorn (without restrictions). For Pisces and Cancer, this Mars has monetary, rather than emotional consequences. Money for them can increase – and be lost, if they don’t have a big bucket to keep it in. From June to early September, these Earth and Water signs receive a sort of ”lucky extension” of these trends, when what was intensity becomes – however briefly – lucky, easy, marked by a certain “generous stroke” from the cosmos.

In terms of simple, pure luck in love, all 2010 (especially the September-December period) favours the Earth and Water signs. But Leo has “sex luck” all year!

Your individual love forecasts are below:

Aries - (March 21-April 19)
Your love life could sizzle in 2010. Until June, you are bent on pleasure, you feel strong, adventurous, and want to take a risk – to risk all, in some cases. This attitude naturally makes some members of the opposite sex (same sex if you’re gay) weak-kneed and willing. But delays or indecision by the one you want might have frustrated your amorous advances the first two months. March through early June gets your engines going, and not much will stop you! However, one caution: during this strong romantic period you might be inclined to take risks in other areas, especially if you feel blocked in love. Your need for pleasure is so strong that you could turn to recreational “substances” to satisfy it. Or, you might charge recklessly into financial risk, or start your very own “fight club.” Romance is a wiser choice!
June through August boosts your confidence and luck. Notions of marriage could waft through your thoughts, but don’t be hasty. Wait until you see what happens to this relationship – and your feelings – over the autumn. September to December brings deep sexual urges. You could meet the perfect bedroom partner, and be convinced you’ve found the perfect love. 2011 shows whether this is major love, or lust.

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Taurus - (April 20-May 20)
You’ve likely experienced some friction at home since last October. This continues until early June, so be gentle and forgiving. In June and July that pent-up energy might explode into a powerful attraction – make sure it can lead to honest, open romance. If you’re married, love rekindles swiftly. But don’t wander – a triangle would make that earlier domestic friction seem tame. That’s 2010’s worst case scenario. For most, the summer is likely to bring sweet heart-healing – with some intriguing “garden parties” for singles. In general, 2010 is a splendid, upbeat, flirty, happy year, filled with entertainment, fulfilled wishes, new friends, and many opportunities for romance. Married or single, your social luck soars!
September to January brings a serious amorous attraction. You might have an opportunity to marry. You could spend October/November mulling over whether you should or not. For best results, say Yes (or no) mid-November to early December, or the first few days of 2011. Physical urges run high and hot: strive for logic, too! If married, you fall in love again – and you could relocate, as a dream comes true!
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Gemini - (May 21-June 20)
2010’s love prospects are likely to be overshadowed by your more ambitious, practical goals, Gemini. You might be swamped by requests for your time from bosses, parents or other higher-ups. You might be involved in a court case, or immersed in higher education or an international interest, a publishing project or an intellectual process such as writing. All these tend to be the biggest drivers of your career and ambitions now – and all promise great luck. But they aren’t romantic pursuits!
Romance isn’t hiding, though – it’s in the very places you’re frequenting: offices and workplaces, court rooms, travel paths, media centers and school rooms. All Geminis have come through 12 to 14 years of emotional challenge; now, at last, the future looks bright. If you’re single, February’s meeting could make the year ahead sweetly interesting. You’re more talkative and outgoing than usual until June, so don’t waste this – a friendly conversation you strike up during the first half could bounce back as a date potential later. A relationship might end June/July. August brings a powerfully seductive person. A co-worker romance is serious September to December.

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Cancer - (June 21-July 22)
Life has handed you the greatest of gifts, and the greatest challenge for the fifteen years ahead – both in relationships. If you’re single, you are almost certain to meet the love of your life between now and 2025. But this love – this person – will demand your greatest effort, unselfishness and flexibility. You’ll be attracted to your polar opposite with an almost gut-level intensity – you’ll experience the miracle of new emotional depths. But he/she’s different! Expect deep determination, an almost ruthless realism, ambition and a strict sense of propriety – maybe even a private/secret code of honour or ethics. This year, a person who appears will also possess a broad compassion, ready spiritual empathy, and a gentle mind – great qualities to mix with those more “determined” ones I just listed.
Love can appear almost anytime, but it’s going to be a little more difficult before July – because, oddly, sensual pleasure is too easy, and this tends to dilute amorous feelings. But June does bring some short trips or friendly meetings that glow with partnership signals. July intensifies this trend, as your charisma grows. Arguments are possible August/September, but this last month also starts a significant romantic trend. If you meet someone you immediately want to take home – tell him or her! Romance and sweet affections can flare through the entire autumn/winter.

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Leo - (July 23-Aug. 22)
Leo, since last October, your sensual magnetism has been running high and hot (and continues that way to June 2010). Simultaneously, you feel the urge to grow a gentle, life-mate kind of love with someone. For some of you, this has attracted a challenging but lucky, cheerful, vibrant, humorous, kind and unusual person. You might have grown indecisive over the winter, but love’s forward motion returns from early March onward. This is the good scenario.erh
Here’s the bad: that “running hot” influence that’s made you so magnetic since October/09 might also have triggered your stubborn, temperamental, and angry side, attracting not a lover but an enemy. Friction might even have elevated to a legal fight. You might be fighting the very person you’re attracted to! From March 10 to June 6, take bold steps in love: confess your feelings, apologize (if applicable) to enemies (who could be hidden lovers) – take the positive approach.
Whichever scenario you’re in, 2010 brings a powerful, lucky sexual atmosphere. Intimacy, physical compatibility and gratification, arise easily. You and another could change your lifestyle dramatically, invest together (mortgage?) or become parents. Summer’s hint of a wedding could come true in 2011. DON’T start living with anyone September 14 to October 28. Otherwise, the autumn brings domestic, romantic bliss!
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Virgo - (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Your love life in 2010 will be full of bright moments, cheerful repartee (or argument!) and unexpectedly fortunate meetings. Relationships could take on a political or scholastic, philosophical or athletic tone – for these are the types of people you will be running into this year. If you want to meet more members of the opposite sex, go to sports events, libraries, political conventions, schools, etc. International travel also plays a lucky role, so if you can afford to, go. Your luck and joy come from others now, so bend, agree, be eager and diplomatic. Don’t pop a pompous person’s balloon with a sharp little detail; you might infuriate the very one who was about to welcome you into a lucky friendship – or more. Be humble.
Mating now definitely carries a domestic theme. Falling in love might bring a change of homes. This same influence, however, can spell separation/divorce for unhappy couples. You might be unhealthily attracted to a sexy person March to June. Insist that this attraction become open, honest and socially acceptable, or drop it. You sexual magnetism soars June/July – a deeply physical love could begin, or you and your lover could join forces in a lifestyle change, a mortgage, a baby’s birth, etc. There’s no harm in delaying these to 2011, when they’ll be even more fortunate. Be gentle on the home front October 27 to December 7 – DON’T begin co-habiting in this period.
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Libra - (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
You will be so busy working in 2010, Libra – not necessarily by choice – that romance might take a back seat. You’re on the verge of one of the most significant relationship periods of your life, 2011 to 2018. This summer, you’ll receive a delightful hint of this future momentous love adventure, when a sudden meeting sends electricity through your dreams! It’s lucky, friendly, mutually “recognized,” but might not develop fully until 2011. (Perhaps because there remains a lingering, unhealthy relationship to extricate yourself from.) Until June, especially late March to June, your social life continually strikes interesting sparks – so get out and about! You could meet a viable mate “in a crowd.” A wish about marriage or a partnership could come true before/by June.
Your magnetism surges in August, but a job (or an ex partner – not a good one) might return to draw on your time. A sensual but casual bond is available late September through December. This might not be a world-shaker, but it’s just right if you want some intimate joy and physical release, while keeping your options open. In January/February 2011, a huge, lucky partnership year will begin; to prepare, get your major life chores cleared away now.

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Scorpio - (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
I keep feeling a little uneasy about telling you Scorpios that you’re soon going to enter the biggest love period of your life. It’s true, but what about you Scorpios who are already happily married? Am I trying to undermine your present relationship? No – if you’re already blissfully coupled, then this amazing, upcoming love period (2011 through 2025) will deepen and broaden your love – and bring a series of “magic moments” when you awaken to fascinating new sides and new beauty-filled impressions of your loved one. The same will occur in your relationships with your children: a new depth of beauty and love will keep you pleasantly intrigued.
If you’re a single Scorpio, the above gives you a hint of the kind of “true love” waiting for you from 2011 onward. During the present year, 2010, only a hint of this sweetness and love, only a “trial run” arrives – but what a trial run! Fortune aids you at unexpected turns – someone you didn’t really expect to respond gives you a “yes,” or you find yourself luckily thrown together with someone who just happens to share your interests. Travel, legal venues, places of higher learning, libraries – these promote love’s luck. March promotes romance. June stirs sexual longing. September through December pack a huge amorous punch: man or woman, your allure radiates!

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Sagittarius - (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
You’ll be luckier in home, security and domestic areas than in romance. However, the two could combine. If single, you might move in with a lover, or marry and gain a home. If married, your heart is definitely at home; you and your spouse will experience many moments of snuggling bliss. Your children will give you a reason to fall in love all over again – and many new couples could celebrate a wee arrival!
Until early June your romance planet, Mars, occupies your wedding sector – this is a perfect influence for romance of the marrying kind. Though there have been “winter delays,” after mid-March all indecisions about love should end – you’ll step determinedly ahead – whether away from or to someone. June/July bring a first real hint of true romance, the giddy, two-feet-off-the-ground kind. This hint could grow into major stuff in 2011, so don’t settle for second best in 2010. If you’re unsure, wait. Socializing could bring a serious flirtation in August. Your sexual magnetism surges in November, but does your luck?

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Capricorn - (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
You are metamorphosing so completely you might as well tattoo an emerging butterfly over your heart, Capricorn. For years, decades, you have taken care of business – often serving other people’s ends as well as – even more than – your own. Now, that won’t be possible. You are becoming a new person, with new goals, new hopes, new likes and dislikes, and a new direction in love. You need someone who can comfortably fit this new you, and the track you’ll be on for the next few decades. Your sexual magnetism is subtly but steadily growing, so you need to keep a responsible attitude toward those who are attracted. Be magnanimous, kind, gentle, and accommodating. (Don’t worry, no one – no one – will take advantage of you.) Your dreams about love and about a life mate will come true in the decade ahead. However, don’t marry before March 5,2011. Until then, be wary of a “too easy” commitment. Your sexual urges flare January to June. April flows with affectionate urges: an old flame might appear, or a romance grow, right into May/June. Don’t rationalize a tawdry triangle June/July: just say no. The autumn brings three months of happy socializing – someone in the group has inviting eyes!

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Aquarius-(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Last October, you entered a long, intense atmosphere in relationships, one that was as likely to inspire anger and enmity as love and sweet affection. By now, you know which! This influence lasts until early June 2010 – even if it has inspired war, it’s not too late to turn it around, even if you have to seek someone new. In June and July, the intensity of the past half year dives under the surface, where it creates an almost volcanic sexual force. This time, too, can go either way: into intimate bliss, sexual fireworks – or into real “down and dirty” fights, struggles over power and money, spying, telling secrets, etc. Take care, Aquarius: you know what they say about playing with fire. The way to true, romantic love is wide open in June, especially after the 10th – take it! After July, relationships turn mellow, sensual, friendly, polite, quietly sexy.
January through August accents your ability to talk – chatter of any sort will improve your chances, and your relationships. You can even talk an enemy into friendship. September to December, a strong ambitious streak might make you too forceful for romance. DO NOT marry September/October. A sweet, busy social scene calls, November/December. In January, 2011, a very social year begins!
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Pisces - (Feb. 19-March 20)
Love is almost the wrong subject, Pisces. You’re so ambitious this year that at times you won’t even give a thought to love – particularly not to unrealistic romance or false fluff. If love is to grab you this year, it has to be strong, no-nonsense, even practical. Your passion is more likely to be ignited by someone higher up the social or economic scale, someone you admire for their conservative and/or ambitious nature, than by dreamers, pretty faces, or those with less money or social standing than you. In fact, ambition, prestige, conservatism, even an age difference can unexpectedly stoke your lust, especially in April, June/July, and September/October.
A long discussion about love could occur from October right into January 2011; it could lead to a wedding. Attraction is very potent in July – watch out for the angry side of such intensity. Old flames or “ex’s” hover around you this year, especially in late April/early May, late August/early September, and October through December. If someone wants to resume a broken tie, and has genuinely changed, give it a try. But realize you’re on the doorstep of a huge new world in love and marriage; that necessitates new attitudes and “personalities” in those who would love you, or you them.
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