ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS OCTOBER 14-20, 2012 All times/dates are PDT. Front page of Globe and Mail, September 8 2012: “THE BIG STALL: The Great Recession is over, although it’s hard to tell. High Jobless rates persist and economies are treading water. Most downturns are followed by a sharp rebound. But there’s never been a slump like this.” Astral Reflections Year Ahead, 2008: “The big credit crisis of ’07 typified the end of a major cycle. Things fall apart, the engine seizes, and the tide (in this case, of easy money) ebbs. In 2008 a new, stricter regime arrives, to color events, politics, economics, even our thoughts and loves. Not for a year, but for two decades.” – Well, it’s now five years and counting… (Actually, my “two decades” was wrong: 2008 to 2023 is more accurate.)… Obama flubbed his first debate with Romney. He should not have scheduled it for October 3 – Barrack’s a LEO with a GEMINI Moon and AQUARIUS rising. On October 3 the Moon was in TAURUS – the sign of weariness for Gemini, of sleep and “ending” for Aquarius, and, for Leo, of being judged. (And the consensus judgement was: he was tired.) For Romney, a PISCES, Taurus is the sign of conversation, alertness, facts/figures, and of being lively. So, round one. Round two occurs October 16, with the Moon in SCORPIO – for Romney, a sign of intellect, luck, profound thought, ideals, philosophy and expression. For Barrack, Scorpio is Leo’s sign of sleep and “ending,” Gemini’s sign of ill health, and Aquarius’ sign of being judged. Round two: Romney again, I think. Round three: October 22, Moon in Aquarius. Here, at last, Obama has favouring winds. Aquarius is his sign of personality and strength, but also of competition and fighting, and of high intellect, luck and profound thought. For Romney, Aquarius is the sign of weariness, restriction; it will make him feel he’s a pawn of fate. Round three: Obama… Probably the biggest crime committed by governments and corporations is the mechanization of human relations. But I don’t have time for that rant right now. Besides, it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Progress is progress, and all progress, seen in the lens of much time, is beneficial. Mechanizing human relations (internet dating, telephone trees, I.D. enforcements) will probably lead to a more “Borg-like” (a la Star Trek) community. Humanity/society has always been a hive, but now that hive will begin to buzz more and more vibrantly, and the mechanization of relations will facilitate speed. You could see it like this: by automating our everyday and routine activities, this mechanization frees us, humanity, to spend more time or psychic energy in creative, inventive and spiritual pursuits. That’s small consolation to the poor Joe spending hours on a phone tree trying to reach, say, the taxman…which is the problem: the automation only goes one way, and favours only corporations and government. But that won’t last: soon, individuals will be able to do the same to the corps and govs. Start Nothing: 5:03 a.m. to 5:06 p.m. Mon., 7:23 p.m. Tues. to 5:26 p.m. Wed., and 1:27 p.m. to 6:41 p.m. Fri. Aries March 21-April 19 The accent lies on relationships, especially Sunday/Monday. All October, you’ll hear secrets, divine someone’s true intent, or share in financial knowledge/action with another. If someone attracts you (a co-worker?) intimate talk is not far behind. (Perhaps Monday to Wednesday – with no guarantee of success.) Careful – this love can turn to work. Your cultural, intellectual, travel and love nature emerges strongly late week (and to mid-November). A new project in these arenas is pretty certain. But avoid legal hassles/suits, into mid-December. Be ambitious Saturday: contact VIPs. Taurus April 20-May 20 Work hard – it’s the only “sure thing” now, especially Sunday (maybe Monday) when your efforts can lead, financially, to success that somehow involves the government, an institution or large corporation. Relationships demand diplomacy, co-operation midweek. You might be attracted to a sexual or financial situation Wednesday night to Friday eve, and right into mid-November. Be careful: impulsivity can lead to chains. But there is also a money opportunity here, on the earnings-for-work side – mostly Thursday. A sweet, gentle mood flows over you Friday eve, Saturday: love brews. Gemini May 21-June 20 The accent continues on romance, infatuation, pleasure, creativity, beauty, children’s affairs and taking successful risks, especially Sunday/Monday – if you’re single, you could fall in love. (This is a bright, nervy, witty, friendly, “electric” meeting/person – and the “falling in” could be delayed – but not long.) Tackle chores Tuesday/Wednesday. Relationships, exciting meetings, occur Wednesday eve to Friday afternoon. Be diplomatic, co-operative. All links are heating up – this causes you great hope, but irks another. It’s love or war. Home remains sweet. Sexy urges Saturday. Cancer June 21-July 22 The focus remains on kids, home, food, shelter, security, basics and foundations, both Sunday/Monday, and this whole week. These are your zones of strength, so all should go well. While at home (or café, park, plant nursery, etc.) you might get a splendid career/work idea. Communications are affectionate all month. You might receive or send a love “note” (glance, flirty email). Midweek brings romantic notions, though whether you should follow them is not certain. (If you meet/date Tuesday eve, a new love might begin.) Tackle tasks Thursday onward – your career will benefit. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Travel, communicate and visit Sunday/Monday – Sunday’s much better. A romantic wish could come true, or you could make a great friend. Be home, focus on domestic matters Monday night to Wednesday. Family members are unusually talkative (and would love a trip). This evening to Friday brings romance, adventure, pleasure, beauty and speculative luck. Tackle chores Saturday. All October, your money, income and spending luck sail sweetly along. Now to mid-November, your romantic courage is high; you could meet an exciting, marriageable partner (better this week than the next four). Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Continue to chase money, especially Sunday (and Monday, though routine is better this day). Travel, communicate, contact casual friends and do paperwork Tuesday/Wednesday. Be domestic, strive to further your security, retirement nest egg, children’s interests, late Wednesday night (listen to mate’s misgivings) to Friday afternoon. Romance, creativity and/or pleasure lure you Saturday – go. All month, you radiate a subtle charm; it attracts others, financially and emotionally. But step lightly at home: the floor burns with potential quarrels. Yet you desire to buy property. Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Your charisma and energy remain high, Libra. Continue to start things, to seek attention, favours and affirmative replies. You’re especially “in your power” Sunday/Monday – though watch the “start nothing” interval. Chase money, buy and sell Monday night, Tuesday – but avoid jewelry, travel tickets and luxury items generally. Thursday/Friday bring travel, notes, reports, media, minor joys and casual friends (a potential mate might be among these). Focus on home, domesticity, security, children Saturday. Your inner world and confidants remain affectionate, lucky all month. Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Continue to lie low, rest, contemplate and plan, especially Sunday/Monday. (Let the plans be dreams Monday, as this day’s ones won’t really come true.) Your energy rises mildly Monday eve to Wednesday eve – lots of progress promised Tuesday. Chase money Thursday/Friday. Saturday’s for friends, trips, errands and paperwork (or read a paper). Now to mid-November much money will come to you, but you could spend even more, ending at a loss. Be conservative, bank it. Friends remain a delight this week and next. Though you’re tired, you remain unexpectedly alert and communicative. Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Dreams come true this week, especially Sunday/Monday – or you might make a wish that later comes true. (Fully expressed wishes seldom manifest: so let yours be a “feeling,” or semi-conscious.) Retreat, rest and think things over Tuesday/Wednesday: you’ve met a new friend or two in past weeks, might have begun a flirtatious relationship. Your energy and charisma soar Wednesday night to Friday – as does your popularity. Your romantic quotient is surging. However, a “suitor” – one who talks partnership – has the advantage. Higher-ups favour you all month. Buy/sell, Saturday. Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Continue to pursue your ambitions, especially Sunday (best) Monday (but stick to routine, projects already “safe”) Tuesday (butter up VIPs or enhance co-worker relations via “fun”) and Thursday to Saturday. Your hopes and sociability rise Tuesday/Wednesday. Rest and plan, Thursday/Friday. Your energy and charisma lift Friday eve, Saturday – start something! All month, benefits come from intellectual, foreign, legal, publishing and similar sources. You might improve/purchase a property for security or family reasons anytime now into mid-November – seek government aid. Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 The mellow, loving mood continues. You benefit this week from international, publishing, educational, cultural, ritual, intellectual, legal, far travel and similar matters, especially Sunday/Monday and Thursday. (Don’t start anything Monday, though.) Be ambitious Monday night to Wednesday eve – higher-ups approve of your energy, but they’re casting a sceptical eye on your romantic and creative episodes/ideas. These VIPs (now to 2015) don’t like “fun.” Optimism, popularity, entertainment and light romance come Thursday/Friday. You’ll be popular into mid-November. Sleep Saturday. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 The mysteries continue – research, perform detective work, diagnose health, make changes, invest, fix finances, make commitments, and seek intimacy – these are very lucky Sunday, (seek earnings) and somewhat favoured Monday. (Monday’s things have a hard time “culminating.”) Wisdom and a mellow mood bless you Tuesday/Wednesday. Be ambitious, speak with higher-ups Thursday/Friday. (People in charge are testy, impatient now through mid-November, but that shouldn’t impede your ambitions.) A gathering, a flirtation, your popularity, future plans – something makes you happy Saturday. Email: For a reading: 604-727-3673. /30/