ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS JUNE 13-19, 2004 All dates/times are Pacific Daylight. I promised to look at LIBRA. Natives of this sign are the ultimate "all-round" lovers of the zodiac. Leos are more romantic than Libra, Taureans are more sensual, Scorpios more passionate and volcanic, Cancers more nurturing, Pisces more compassionate - but no sign contains as many of the thousand elements of love as Libra. Libra is balanced love, love in its entirety. Libra is - or aspires to be - the perfect partner. This sign often sits poised, awaiting signals and clues about his/her partner's thoughts and feelings. Libra wants to share everything - especially decisions - with a spouse or loved one. If there are none around, Libra looks for a business partner. Libra accommodates - changing attitudes, opinions, emotions, even physical posture to respond to the needs, desires, emotions or thoughts of a partner. We seldom see this constant "shape-shifting" activity because Libra is skilled at keeping everything hidden beneath an unruffled air of calm. Libra is an air sign, and like Gemini and Aquarius, its fellow air signs, is intensely nervous. But Aquarius shows nerves by blasting through obstacles. Aquarius is often "driven." Gemini shows nerves by constant movement - hands, fidgeting, moving from room to room. Gemini is "restless." Libra doesn't show nerves. Your Libran stares back at you with eyes like a calm cat. But those nerves are there - in abundance. Libra could almost suffer a nervous breakdown and never reveal it. Libra hates to fight, hates a "scene." Often, Libra will not mention the first or even the twenty-first "wrong" you do to him; but at some point you'll cross the line - then Libra can be unappeasable. It's over. That's it, sorry. Or you'll face a war - not a mere battle. (Aries starts battles all the time, but Libra studies the situation for a long time, then starts a war.) In love, Libra is fair, judicious, thoughtful, helpful - if it doesn't take too much effort - and seductive. To the right person, Libra's thoughtfulness itself is seductive. Though very sensual, Libra hates to be suffocated. This sign wants to spend the whole day sitting in the same room as her lover or spouse - but not in the same chair. Male Librans have a strange feminine softness about them; their bodies are smooth rather than "chiselled," no matter how physically fit they are. Female Librans exhude an unusual maleness, often have a husky voice or a bit of facial hair, or simply display a male "logic." Despite this, both sexes are strongly attractive to the opposite sex. Libra craves marriage, yet many Librans stray. Start Nothing: 7:34 p.m. Mon. to 6:44 a.m. Tues., and 1:27 p.m. to 7:37 p.m. Thurs. Aries March 21-April 19 Chase money Sunday/Monday - your luck's buoyant! Tackle trips, friendly or business contacts and paperwork this week, especially Tuesday to Thursday noon, when you're light and quick! (Careful Tuesday - a bit of disagreement, sudden glitches, reckless driving probable.) By Thursday evening into Saturday, you begin to settle into a restful, sluggish, soul-renewing attitude - for a whole month. The property, kids, retirement or similar themes that have occupied your thoughts recently will now blossom into fruitful, loving or profitable projects - especially June 18, 23, 25, 27 (late) 28 (late) and July 5. Taurus April 20-May 20 Your energy and charisma soar Sunday/Monday - ask important favors, start projects, see and be seen. Be sceptical of new acquaintances. Your social circle will grow by leaps and bounds from 2004 to 2010 - but the best people come after 2004. (The very best will come June 2006 through 2007.) Chase money or purchases all week, especially Tuesday to Thursday noon. (Caution Tuesday: don't buy electronics, and realize a money structure - debt/income? - needs adjustment.) Friday shunts you into a friendly, restless, curious mode - the way you'll stay until late July! Gemini May 21-June 20 You've had some unusual money luck for the past five weeks, and it continues for another six weeks. But - in money and in personal energy - you'll switch gears from "rapid flow" to "quiet surge" by early next week. In the meantime (to June 23) guard against overspending, impulsive, angry or "moon shot" money moves. Be restful, lie low, plan and make "security" moves Sunday/Monday. (Don't make anyone resentful!) Your charm and energy surge Tuesday to Thursday, but you're attracting more "old faithfuls" than new admirers. (That will change soon!) Cancer June 21-July 22 Your hopes rise Sunday/Monday, as a sociable, fresh, optimistic breeze wafts through you! But retreat to rest, to contemplate and plan Tuesday to Thursday. Inspiration leads to some very workable, imaginative money plan/idea Wednesday morning/early afternoon! Take care, all early week, that you don't neglect an essential chore or duty. (E.g., forgetting to buy your car insurance Monday could lead to major fines Tuesday.) Your energy begins to rise Thursday night - and won't stop rising for about 32 days! Take the first tentative steps toward a major project launch Friday. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Chase career, prestige and VIP relations Sunday/Monday. Several minor trends and situations shift now and next week. The past month's focus on popularity, future plans, light romance and social engagements reaches a peak intensity mid-week (Tuesday-Thursday) then ebbs mildly as you enter a month of quietude, contemplation, lowered charisma and energy. Paradoxically, just as your charisma is turned down like a lantern's flame, all the May-June delays end in social, romantic, and "popularity" projects. So now that you're not attracting so many people, you begin to attract the right person. Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 You're wise, mellow and compassionate Sunday/Monday. Love, learn and travel. For years, you've experienced a pull between your domestic urges and your ambitions. Choose ambitions Tuesday to Thursday noon. (Careful Tuesday, when abrupt, unstable conditions/relationships reflect deeper "un-stated" disagreements.) In the two months ahead, career delays will end. Higher-ups have favored you in recent weeks, but they haven't had a chance to open the door to rewards, small breakthroughs, or promotions. Starting next week, they can, and will. Friday begins a month of popularity, optimism, light romance and joy! Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Dig into investment, financial, debt, health, sexual, intimate, psychological, occult and psychic realms Sunday/Monday. (Illusion occurs Sunday night to pre-dawn Monday). Sunday's best - you could find the answer to a puzzle, or a doorway to an enriched life! Give legal, love, far-travel, educational, intellectual, media or philosophical projects a good push Tuesday to Thursday noon. (Tuesday's iffy - disagreements can occur.) You wont detect much progress - that will come late June through July, after you've stopped pushing! Friday begins an ambitious month. Your burden will be heavy - shoulder it; don't "rebel." Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Approach someone Sunday/Monday - an agreement, contract, new personal relationship, new business horizon or other opportunity awaits you. Sunday's best! Midweek shunts you back into your favorite things: secrets, finances, high stakes, intimacy and the "power side" of relationships. Take care Tuesday, when money struggles or "family revolts" might face you. Charge after rewards, opportunities Wednesday to Thursday noon. A mellow, wise mood enters Thursday night into Saturday - this begins a whole month of the same. Expect gentle love, far travel, legal, educational or media involvements now through late July. Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Tackle chores Sunday/Monday - you'll succeed! Relationships remain your prime focus, especially Tuesday to Thursday. You can make enemies, friends, lovers - it's really your choice, Sage. Take care Tuesday, when you're stubborn, and you see another as flippant (you hate that) - a sudden fight could upset family, real estate, relocation or business plans. Wednesday brings attraction and sweet agreement. Thursday might create a new link. Friday begins a month of depth and consequence, of secrets and deep desires, finances, intimacy and lifestyle changes. You've grown slower, more cautious about these. Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Seek beauty, pleasure, romance Sunday/Monday. Be creative, take a wee chance. Relationships have been intense for the last month - for good or ill. You might have ended one, or come close. This intensity lasts for another five weeks, but it grows more fruitful, healthier and solid, this Friday onward. The week ahead features work - dive into it Tuesday to Thursday noon. (Careful Tuesday - practice safety, avoid power-hungry co-workers.) You might meet someone very interesting and friendly Friday morning - this could be the start of a profitable association. New horizons loom! Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Take a breather Sunday/Monday. Rest, seek nature, garden, soul, children. Your creative, romantic, speculative or romantic pursuits reach a climax and receive a new surge of energy Tuesday to Thursday noon. This is both an ending and a new start. Affection continues all summer! Work has been hard, hectic and, perhaps, discouraging for the last month or more. The trend of "extra work" continues for the month ahead, but in a more fulsome, rewarding way. How you make money is destined to change: see, act on this Friday morning! Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 Send cards, emails, telephone, read, travel, satisfy your curiosity Sunday/Monday. Bend your way toward home Tuesday to Thursday noon. A whole spring of property, family, garden, parent-child, retirement, security or similar things reaches a bit of a climax now - but that climax represents a new beginning. This is an important time to decide what and who should remain in your life, and who/what should go. Within two weeks, you'll start to implement these decisions. Within two/three months, you could have a lucky new home or a better family atmosphere! For a reading: 604-261-1337. Email: /30/