ASTRAL REFLECTIONS BY TIM STEPHENS FEBRUARY 29 - MARCH 6, 2004 All times/dates are PST. Astrologers call VIRGO, PISCES, GEMINI and SAGITTARIUS "mutable" or "change-prone" signs. At first glance, they appear very different: Pisces is shy and elusive, Sagittarius is fiery and enthusiastic, Virgo is solid and healthy, and Gemini is witty and cool. But each of these is a "double sign." Each has two sides, or has two personalities (or more) "available" to them. Each has terrible difficulty with decisions. So shy, elusive Pisces can be bright, talkative, even strident and loud. Yet, just as Pisces' shyness hides their huge emotional swings, this loud, talkative personality does the same. The real Pisces sways deep beneath the surface, like seaweed in the tide, flowing and floating back and forth on huge emotional ebbs and flows. Pisces' favorite thing is to watch. Pisces sees a hundred nuances in the most common meeting of two friends, spies a crowd of influences, bits of emotions, quips of insight, little flashes of revelation, floating around the loungers in Starbucks. Pisces loves to absorb - and does so involuntarily. Members of this sign will often hear someone's voice, a mother's, friends, a teacher, a lover, and then, weeks, months, even years later, will - with surprise - hear themselves speaking in that mother's, friend's or lover's tone of voice, using their words or phrases. To Pisces, reality is a fluid thing. It's nuances and lyrical magic could never be ultimately defined with words (though many Piscean writers - John Updike is one - have given it a valiant try). Film is much more conducive to capturing the life and reality that Pisces experiences. And, in astrology, Pisces rules the cinema. This sign also rules telescopes, eye glasses, lens, and the eyes themselves. But Pisces is fluid - this sign has little patience with still photography. Virgo is the master of photography. Virgos love things that are solid, precise and earthy. Black and white, stark patterns of shade, the depth and solidity of a wall, a tree, a human face - to let these blossom on a page, is Virgo's forte. This sign rules newspaper, wedding, portrait and other photography. Virgo is the sign of sincerity - he/she almost considers the fluidity of Pisces to be suspect, as it gives a world of shifting motives and appearances. Virgo loves soil, plants and gardens, farms and trees. Virgo loves what is, the corporeal. Pisces loves what if, the hidden and insubstantial. This even occurs physically. If you hug a Virgo, it's like hugging a sack of potatoes, weighty and firm. When you hug a Pisces, it's as if your arms drift a moment, sensing an ungraspable mist. These two signs need each other's qualities, and often marry. Start Nothing: 2:08 a.m. to 2:12 p.m. Sun., 7:42 p.m. Tues. to 1:18 a.m. Wed., and 9:13 a.m. to 9:18 a.m. Fri. Aries March 21-April 19 You remain in a quiet place, Aries. Continue to earn - and conserve - money. Don't spend! A work project or duty, a health matter, a spiritual or charitable matter, and/or a government-related concern come to a climax. Mid-week seems to mark an end and a new beginning in one of these areas. It's an easy, smooth week - the only "warning" comes Thursday and Friday afternoons, when temper or tension counsels caution, especially around tools and while driving. Home's sweet, Sunday to Tuesday. Beauty and creativity call Wednesday/Thursday. Tackle work Friday/Saturday. Taurus April 20-May 20 Your magnetism remains high - so might your temper, impatience, courage, and response to "temptation." Be wise, Taurus, as you hold a bit of power these few weeks! This week brings a climax (which itself becomes a new beginning) in romantic, creative, speculative, travel, educational, entertainment or social projects. A friendship might burst into love - matters are fluid. Flirtations and social delights fill the air, you feel optimistic, and a wish could come true! Sunday to Tuesday brings details, errands, paperwork and calls. Absorb nature's beauty Wednesday/Thursday. Romance (etc!) Friday/Saturday. Gemini May 21-June 20 Your career, social status, and relations with VIPs cause a home-vs.-career, security-vs.-ambition climax this week. This climax is also a new beginning. Things change! Wednesday's communication seems significant. This trend could bring an argument with your family over your ambitions. But you can combine these ambition-security elements in powerfully beneficial ways - raise your status by purchasing real estate, start a home-based business, enlist the kids in your business, etc. If you have to choose, favor security/property/family over ambition. Money and purchases are lucky Monday! Land's lucky Friday night, Saturday. Cancer June 21-July 22 Legal, educational, intellectual, religious, travel, media, love or communications projects reach a climax this week - exciting times, and you seem to be favored! This climax is a new beginning, too - which hints that you might "step up" to a new plateau, then grow in future from this new level. Money plays a significant role - not investment money, but earnings or buying/selling. Rest deeply Sunday morning. This eve to Tuesday raise your energy and effectiveness to maximum levels. Charge forth Monday - you're lucky! Chase money Wednesday/Thursday. Communicate but don't alienate Friday/Saturday. Leo July 23-Aug. 22 A legal, intellectual, media or travel matter goes well until Friday morning, so push it. Continue to walk softly in your career and with authorities. Shared secrets open the door to financial actions or emotional intimacies. Events climax in money, investments, earnings, purchases, possessions, sex, intimacy, lifestyle changes, commitments, secrets and mysteries, hidden forces and the subconscious - all week! Work in the background, with government or quiet allies, Sunday eve to Tuesday. Emerge to show your strengths, talents Wednesday/Thursday, but don't push Thursday ad Friday afternoons. Fate helps you! Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Relationships reach a grand climax this week. That includes marriage, partnerships, new love, business, agreements, contracts, litigation, fights, relocation plans, negotiation, neighbors and dealings with the public. In general, it's a time of reward! Look for luck rather than for misfortune - you find what you seek, and there's no illusion, no one fooling you (except about 4 a.m. PST Thursday). Hope, popularity and social delights visit you Sunday afternoon to Tuesday and Friday/Saturday - love is no stranger, either! Jump on opportunities! Withdraw mildly Wednesday/Thursday, work quietly. (DON'T invest Thursday.) Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Chase your ambitions Sunday eve to Tuesday - luck rides with you in "elevated places," especially Monday. Ask a parent for a "business favor." Mid-week brings optimism, a "social workplace." Avoid finances and sexual intimacy Thursday through late afternoon. Retreat Friday/Saturday to rest and recuperate. Do some deep thinking about your place in the world, and your future plans. This week brings a climax to your work scene - this could emerge as a conflict over duties, over who does what, or it could bring an employment boost - a job far away? Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Love reaches a climax - not in passion, but in luck. If unattached, you could meet someone who's going to become important over the months ahead. If attached or married, you can deepen and elevate the bond, find laughter again - IF you don't argue! A sweet week - and it begins a sweet future! Sunday eve to Tuesday brings great luck in love, legal, travel, media, religious and intellectual zones. Your ambitions meet some friction Wednesday/Thursday, but your social (and, perhaps, money) wishes come true. Optimism, popularity, flirtation and fun Friday/Saturday! Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Work's hectic - practice safety. A co-worker tempts, but you should save yourself for possible real love on the spring/summer horizon. This week brings a climax in career/ambitions and home/security. Read Gemini's message for a clue. If you need to choose, pick ambitions over security, job over home. Let your partner make family decisions. A huge opportunity could exist to combine work/business with real estate or family set-ups. If you see it, grab it! Sex and finances bless you Sunday eve to Tuesday. Legalities, far travel mid-week. Career luck Friday/Saturday! Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Until Friday, your home life remains sweet. You're a little more impulsive, a bit of a gambler in a good way, about romance, love, home, real estate, and your security. Relationships are important and lucky Sunday eve, Monday. (Tuesday's uncertain.) Mysteries, big financial commitments, emotional and physical intimacy arise mid-week. They need care, prudence and diplomacy. Friday/Saturday bring a mellow note. All week, Love and life's meaning reach a new level. Legal, travel, ritual (wedding?) media and intellectual projects climax and begin a new, good phase! Talk, write and visit! Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Tackle chores Sunday eve to Tuesday. Buy tools, cars, computers Sunday eve/Monday. All's good! Home tensions continue through March 20. DON'T create a situation of animosity that could last long after this stressful period is over. Avoid being a dictator! Talk things out, bring hidden resentments and differing points of view into the open Wednesday through Saturday. An open, honest effort/discussion can bring mutual respect, even laughter or friendship! (IF you don't simply charge into a domineering temper!) Beware a 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. "tantrum period" Thursday and Friday. Pisces Feb. 19-March 20 Your energy, magnetism, luck and timing remain at a yearly peak, Pisces! Seek favors, start projects, impress people, show off your talents - be there in person! This year, almost all your luck comes through other people, through relationships. That's especially true this week, as your interests and another person's could either clash, or merge to create a huge, lucky development and a new beginning! You could fall in love, or start a hugely successful, argumentative partnership. Romance, creativity, pleasure and speculation fill Sunday eve-Tuesday. Work hard mid-week. Relationships excite Friday/Saturday! E-mail: For a reading: 604-261-1337. /30/